- It is pointed that the analysis technical economical risk should be made for the realization of MTO techniqu... 指出MTO作为目前最为看好可实现工业化的天然气制烯烃技术,应做好技术经济的风险性分析。
- Through option calculation a simple and practical method is proposed,which is beneficial to technical economical analysis for cogeneration plants. 对此通过实例计算提出一种简便实用的计算方法,该方法有助于热电厂技术经济分析。
- The technical economical indexes of domestic and foreign solvent deasphalting units were analyzed by contrast. Suggestions on improving units were also made. 对比分析了国内外溶剂脱沥青装置的技术经济指标,提出了装置改进的建议。
- Based on the crude oil prices and technical economical comparison of processing Widuri & Cabinda residue blended feedstocks, suggestions for better processing and management are discussed. 结合韦杜里和卡宾达原油价格情况,对重油催化裂化装置掺炼韦杜里和卡宾达两种不同类渣油的技术经济进行了比较分析,为生产经营提出了建议。
- Effectiveness of Storage Tank Water Treatment by Tubular Water Purifier and Technical Economic Analysis. 管道式净水器处理雨水柜水质效果观察及技术经济分析。
- The technical economic analysis of using anticorrosion rotary di gester for ammonia sulfite pulping is conducted. 应用技术经济方法对亚铵法防腐蒸球进行技术经济分析。
- Based on the analysis of technical economics,either the fluidizing drying or microwave fluidizing drying is the ideal selection. 从技术经济综合分析,沸腾干燥和微波加热干燥是理想的选择。
- technical economical analysis in agriculture 技术农经分析
- The polyester techniques of Zimtrier.Inventa,Kanebo and Du Pout companies regarding to Scheme,technology,equipment and technical economic indexs. are discribed. 从工艺流程、工艺、设备及技术经济指标等方面论述吉玛、伊文达、钟纺与杜邦公司的聚酯技术。
- On the theories of Microeconomics and Technical Economics, this paper studies tech-economic properties of Telecom Services from the point of view of Product. 作者主要以微观经济学和技术经济学为基本理论体系,从产品的角度分析和研究电信服务的有关技术经济问题。
- The paper thoroughy analyzes two theorelical problmes in the technical economics, and points out that appraisement standard of the T_p must be the plan's lifespan, income tax used in total capital analysis shouldn't be affacted by lending money. 就技术经济学中存在的两个理论问题进行了深入分析 ,指出动态投资回收期的评价标准应为方案的寿命 ,全投资分析所用的所得税不应受借款多少的影响。
- He learned technical skills by trial and error. 他通过不断摸索掌握技能。
- Here is some catalogue and technical data. 这儿有一些产品目录和技术资料。
- This is a review with 40 references on the production,technology and development trends of ethylene-propylene rubber(EPR) abroad. The technical economic evaluation on four production methods of EPR was carried out. 对国外乙丙橡胶(EPR)生产概况、技术特点及发展态势作了简述,并对EPR的溶液法、悬浮法、简化悬浮法和气相法等4种生产方法作了技术经济评估。
- In this article, technical transformation in Longxin Mining Company adopted CIP process instead of All-sliming cyanidation-Zinc dust replacement method, fracture breccia ores are treated, and good technical economic indexes have been attained. 摘要龙鑫矿业公司通过技术改造,采用炭浆法代替原有全泥氰化-锌粉置换工艺,处理破碎角砾矿石,取得了良好的技术指标和显著经济效益。
- This book is too technical for me. 对我来说,这本书太专业了。
- The article is rather technical in places. 这篇论文中有些地方相当专业化。
- The flight was delayed owing to technical reasons. 这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。
- Let me advise you on technical matters. 我来向你提供有关技术问题的意见。
- The purification requirement and purification method of compressed - air in refinery was mentioned in this article.The comparisons of technical economic between several adsorp-tive.Dryer were made. 该文阐述了炼油厂压缩空气的净化要求及净化方法,着重对几种吸附式干燥器进行了技术经济比较。