- This book teaches through questions about the mechanics of capitalization and punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph development, and essay questions. 这本书教的问题,通过对力学的资本化和标点符号,语法,句子结构,段发展,征文提问。
- teaching through questions 问题教学法
- We often learn foreign language through questions and answers. 我们常用问答的方式学外语。
- To explore another's ideas through questioning. 思想剽窃在解决问题中使用别人的想法
- Effective phonics teaching through conversation, stories, chants and rhymes. 教学百宝箱:运用生活会话,故事,韵文,童谣之发音教学技巧
- K12 has 1,100 teachers teaching through its virtual schools, about 200 of whom are employed by K12. K12的各虚拟学校总共有1,100名任教教师,其中大约有200名受雇于K12。
- Lin, S.W.(2002).Improving science teaching through teacher development group: A case study of elementary teachers. 林晓雯,(2001),国小自然科教学改进:合作行动研究。
- This paper attempts to present an effective way of lexical teaching through the investigation of the learner抯 cognitive abilities. 本论文中心议题是通过对学生词汇认知心理的研究,探讨词汇学习的有效途径。
- In the educational telefilm making,the process of teaching through the multiple media will often be taken and made into video tape and disc. 在电视教学片的摄制实践中;常常要把一些运用多种媒体教学的过程拍摄下来;制作成录像带或光盘;广为传播.
- The aim is to teach through deconstruction of a fully realized but simple scene. 目的是要通过建立一个能够充分实现但简单的场景来教导解构。
- But they became more violent than before, saying, He has made trouble among the people, teaching through all Judaea from Galilee to this place. 但他们极力说:“他在犹太全地教导人,煽动群众,从加利利直到这里。
- As part of our parent education we would like to share with you the differences between teaching in the content areas and teaching through structured Inquiry. 作为家长教育的一部分,我想要和大家分享一下以内容为驱动的教学和有组织结构的质疑教学的区别。
- An inquiry into physics teaching through APOS theory's approach in hope of adapting to students' cognitive process and mentalities in actual teaching are studied. 根据APOS理论;对物理教学进行探讨;以便使物理教学能更好的适应学生的认识规律和心理特征.
- The paper studies the effect of "game teaching method" in high school soft volleyball teaching through the methods of researching and investigating data and of comparison. 摘要采用文献资料法、调查法、对照实验法等研究方法,探讨“游戏教学法”在中学软式排球教学的效果。
- Then, during a question-and-answer session, the Cameroonian brothers and sisters expressed their interest in and devotion to Masters teachings through their thoughtful responses to the visitors questions. 最后,在问答时间里,师兄师姊对来宾的问题回答得头头是道,由此可见他们对师父教理十分关注和投入。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- This essay presents a new teaching system in botany teaching through reformation of the old teaching content,teaching method and teaching means, with the purpose of getting better teaching quality. 通过对植物学教学内容、教学方法及教学手段的研究;提出完整的植物学教学体系;进而提高植物学课堂教学质量.
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- The course materials will be taught through a series of lectures and recitations. 本课程教材将藉由一系列的上课讲演与复习方式教授。
- The exploitative teaching through the visibility of multi-media helps the students develop their ability to deal with the rich information and their creative spirit in the process of solving actual problems. 利用多媒体的可视性开展探究性教学 ;学生在解决实际问题的过程中培养了信息处理能力和创新精神 .