- teaching of studying tactics 学习策略教学
- Reading tactics is manifestation of studying tactics applying into Chinese reading. 阅读策略是学习策略在语文阅读中的表现形式。
- It tries to make a foundation of study tactics of sutra literature which contemplates the aescethic characteristics whose basis are Buddhist philosophy on the theological premise. 首先确立佛经文学的研究方法,即在宗教性前提限定下探讨其以佛教哲学为基础的审美特征,并按照宗教性质与审美性质统一的原则和方法研究其文学性。
- I got tired of studying, but changed to teaching. 我厌倦了学习,改行教书去了。
- As a student who has been through twelve years of Chinese language study in Singapore, and two years of studying German at Princeton University, I have some thoughts on the teaching of Chinese in Singapore. 作为一名在新加坡学了12年华文,以及在普林斯顿大学学了两年德文的学生,我对新加坡的华文教学法有些意见。
- As a student who has been through twelve years of Chinese language study in Singapore,and two years of studying German at Princeton University,I have some thoughts on the teaching of Chinese in Singapore. 作为一名在新加坡学了12年华文,以及在普林斯顿大学学了两年德文的学生,我对新加坡的华文教学法有些意见。
- teaching of studying and discussing 研讨式教学
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- In most schools, the teaching of study skills is haphazard and unplanned. Consequently, many students complete high school and enter college without disciplined and systematic study habits. 在大多数学校,教授学习技巧的教学是偶然和随机的。因此,很多学生在完成高中进入大学时并没有一种受过训练的成体系的学习习惯。
- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- I regret fooling away my time instead of studying. 我后悔浪费了许多时间没去学习。
- They elaborated a plan of study. 他们仔细制订了学习计划。
- Outline the main teaching of Jesus. 概述耶稣的主要教导内容。
- They have no intention of studying English. 他们没有学习英语的意图。
- John has bethought himself of studying law. 约翰已决定学法律。
- Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。
- Paid failed history because he frivoled away his time instead of studying. 保罗历史不及格,因为他总是浪费时间不好好学习。
- A field of study chosen as an academic specialty. 专业,主修课选作学术专业的一个研究领域
- What is the best method of studying English? 学习英语的最好方法是什么?
- So it is i mportant to disuse how to make students master the study tactics in PE teaching. 探讨如何在体育教学中使学生掌握有效的学习策略。