- teaching language features 教学语言特点
- I have no experience in teaching language. 我没有教语言的经验。
- Widdowson HG.. Teaching Language as Communication [m]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1990。
- These members offer their tutoring and teaching language services for a fee. 这些会员们是语言学校。他们的语言服务有收费。
- I have experience in teaching languages. 我有教语言的经验。
- Since poetry fully reveals literary language features such as vividness, sensibility and individuality, it is the appropriate start-point in NLP. 诗词艺术集中体现了文学语言的形象性、情感性、个性等特征,是文学语言处理研究很好的切入点。
- Follow them as they benchmark one of the new language features in Java 5.0 And uncover some unusual results. 请跟他们一起对Java 5.;0中的一种新语言功能进行基准测试并发现一些不寻常的结果。
- It not only records the actual rhymes of Chinese characters, but also possesses South Korean language features. 因种种原因,在效用上,它当时未能得到充分重视。
- Instead, these items highlight how different C# language features can best express the intent of your software design. 相反,这些条款突出了不同的C%23语言特性如何最好的表达了你的软件设计意图。
- Teaching Language as Communication, H.G. Widdowson, Oxford University Press, 1978,London and Edinburg. 《语言问题探索》,王宗炎,上海外语教育出版社。
- Retired persons are also eager to communicate with young persons, and they may be skillful in teaching language. 退休人士也很愿意跟年轻人交流,而且他们教授语言的水平很可能比较高。
- New language features include loop continuation, guaranteed resource disposal, operator overloading, generic types, and custom events. 新的语言功能包括循环继续、有保证的资源处置、运算符重载、泛型类型和自定义事件。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The topics in this section contain code showing how to use basic language features such as threading, inheritance, and file IO. 本节中的主题包含演示如何使用基本语言功能(例如,线程处理、继承和文件IO)的代码。
- Widdowson,H.G,Teaching Language As Communication,London:Oxford University Press. 束定芳;庄智象.;现代外语教学--理论、实际、方法
- Widdowson,H.G.(1978) Teaching Language as Communication[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press. 姜望琪.;当代语用学[M]
- These rules exist to keep the code base manageable while still allowing coders to use C++ language features productively. 这些规则可在允许代码有效使用C++语言特性的同时使其易于管理。
- BASIC was originally designed as a teaching language loosely based on FORTRAN and is simple to learn. 它最初被设计成一种教学语言,在大体上以FORTRAN为基础简单易学。
- From Poetry in the form of identity, language features, rhetoric techniques, Ma Yu"s peom has many characteristics,With song have much commonalities. 无论从词体的形式特征、语言特点、修辞手法上来看,马钰词都颇具特色,且与曲有了较多的共同之处。
- Teachers maintain focus on the language learning goal when teaching language through culture or other subject matter. 当老师通过文化和其它主题内容来教授语言时,他们坚持把重点放在语言学习上。