- The teacher talked down to the freshmen, and they were bored. 老师对大学一年级学生讲得太平淡无奇了,他们都感到厌烦。
- Our doctor always talk to me like a teacher talking to a child. 给我们看病的医生对我说话总是像教师对小学生说话一样。
- The teacher talked to the lazy student. 教师把那个懒学生申斥了一顿。
- The teacher talked to the boy sternly. 老师严厉地跟那个男孩谈话。
- Sallie: My English teacher talks to herself. 我的英语老师对她自己说话。
- In basic English teaching for Chinese students, the functions of Englishteachers are developed mainly by teacher talk. 在我国基础英语教学中,教师的职能主要靠教师语去发挥。
- Finally, the paper offers advice on how to use teacher talk effectively in instruction. 最后,本文给出了合理使用教师话语提高课堂教学质量的建议。
- This paper is mainly intended to take as its subject the phonological modifications in English teacher talk. 本文以英语教师话语在语音体系方面的调整为研究对象。
- The teacher talked down to the freshmen,and they were bored. 老师对大学一年级学生讲得太平淡无奇了,他们都感到厌烦。
- Our doctor always talks to me like a teacher talking to a child. 给我们看病的医生对我说话总是像教师对小学生说话一样。
- The girls giggled when their teacher talked about boys. 当老师谈到男孩。
- In today's math class, the teacher talked about composite numbers. 在今天的数学课上,老师讲了合数的概念。
- Consequently, teacher talk must be standardized, accurate and logical with its vividness, enlightenment, sincerity, emotion, meaning and humor. 因此教学语言必须规范准确,具有逻辑性;生动形象,富有启发性;情真意切,深于传情;诙谐含蓄,具有趣味性。
- Second Language Classroom Research pays special attention to teacher talk, which will ensure the application of CLT in teaching process. 本研究的理论背景将从三个方面来讨论:第二语言习得理论、社会互动理论以及交际语言教学理论。
- Today, we need to give teachers talk about the topic of campus beautification. 今天,老师要给大家聊聊美化校园的话题。
- Based on the theories of Krashen's comprehensible input and Swain's output hypothesis, the paper researches into the teacher talk's effect on learner input and output. 本文主要以克拉申的“可理解性语言输入”及斯万的“输出假说”为理论基础探讨了教师话语对语言输入与输出的影响。
- Teacher talk as external conditions for language learning plays an important part in yielding favorable linguistic environments for learners to engage in. 在课堂研究的框架内,描述课堂常常通过分析教师话语的语言学特征和互动特征来实现。
- In basic English teaching fo(?) Chinese students, English teachers always pass on knowledge mainly by teacher talk. 在我国基础英语教学中,教师主要通过教师话语向学生传授知识。
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。