- teacher rs rest 教师假期
- She tried to open the teacher rs bag. 她试着去打开老师的袋子。
- What will you do on Teacher rs Day? 你在教师节将做什么事?
- He gave a quick answer to the teacher rs question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
- The teacher rs word made him bright and open. 老师的一席话,使他豁然开朗。
- Today is Thursday, September 10th, Teacher rs Day. 今天是九月十号,星期四,教师节。
- He is always deaf to his teacher rs advice. 他总是对他老师的忠告充耳不闻。
- Is it under the teacher rs desk? 它在老师的课桌下面吗?
- He volunteered to answer the teacher rs question. 他主动回答老师的提问。
- He gave an orderly answer to the teacher rs question. 他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。
- The children rs education is the teacher rs uppermost concern. 孩子的教育是教师所最为关注的。
- Dad said he would see about the math teacher rs unreasonable cruelty. 爸说他会料理数学老师不合理的残忍行为。
- The students listened respectfully to their teacher rs instructions. 学生们聆听老师的教导。
- This teacher rs classes are rigid and the students do not like them. 这个老师讲课死板,不受同学欢迎。
- The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. 老师叫这个小学生把手放下。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 学生相互向老师讲了我的坏话。
- The teacher get a raspberry as she turn her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音。