- Independent bar, tea room and so on; l. 独立的酒吧、茶室等;
- I accompanied her to the tea room, a holding her from behind. 我陪着红袖到了她的单间,一把从背后抱着了她。
- Why would there be a secular tea room in the Heian era? 平安时代怎会有这种现代化的客厅啊?
- Behind the tea room with the door, I pushed open the door and go inside. 红袖的房间门虚掩着,我推门走了进去。
- I disappears from the tea room, I walk out into the open in the guest house. 我失魂落魄的从红袖的房间里走了出来进了我在宾馆开的房子。
- Tea Room opened its doors again Friday after a four-year high adders? 茶室在四年的高额资金投入后再次对外开张。
- That is the Yu Garden Bazar and in the miolst of it ,there is a popular tea room near the Nine Zigzag Bridge. 那面是豫园商场,在商场的中央是一间大众喜爱的茶楼,它靠近“九曲桥”。
- While she was waiting for her boy friend in the tea room, a sweet melody filled her with ecstasy. 她正在茶室里等男朋友时,一阵美妙的旋律使她出神入迷。
- The special bar or tea room or another rest place for guests resting and exchanging; f. 有专门的酒吧或茶室或其他供客人休息交流且提供饮品服务的场所;
- Two or three in the morning to late at night when I really felt ourselves, get up to the tea room. 到后半夜两三点的时候,我实在控制不住自己,起身去了红袖的房间。
- Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured. 安娜博尔和米吉从小餐馆里走出来,迈着高傲和缓慢的步子,象个闲人,悠然自得。
- Tea Room : A small room which has tea making facilities or other refreshment facilities but is not furnished with tables and chairs as a common room. 茶水间:有烧制茶水设备及其它饮料设备的小房间,但不像一般茶室提供桌椅。
- And now the Russian Tea Room is open once again with a new owner and a 19-million-dollar makeover. 如今俄罗斯茶室再度开张,新东家耗资1900万美元将其修饰一新。
- Square fountain to open, chess room saying, small tea room Thea sinensis, Guan Yu Taiwan Ping Lan, semi-open-style pool playing. 广场喷泉送爽、棋牌室怡情、茶艺室小茗、观鱼台凭栏、半敞开式泳池戏水。
- We asked hotel staff came back from the bar to read tea room that no one in Lu Qing rooms. 我们从网吧回来后托宾馆服务员去红袖房间看了,没人,在陆青房间里。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- Sky gardens, three-dimensional display vertical landscape level, Square fountain to open, chess room saying, small tea room Thea sinensis, Guan Yu Taiwan with silt, a half-ruined pools of water. 空中花园,立体层面展示垂直景观,广场喷泉送爽,棋牌室怡情,茶艺室小茗,观鱼台凭拦,半敝开式泳池水。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- Recreation Department include: Manhattan nightclubs, Richland beauty salon, fitness center, chess room, tea room, the Rhine city of Hot Springs and the letter l. All - Dy full tang. 康乐部包括:曼哈顿夜总会、丽晶美容美发沙龙、健身中心、棋牌室、茶艺室、莱茵湖城市温泉和信合--颐足堂。