- Forget about throwing billions more of taxpayer money at Motown. 别再打算拿几十亿纳税人血汗钱往汽车城打水漂了。
- He promises to show, online, where taxpayer money is being spent. 他承诺上在线现实纳税者的钱被花在哪儿了。
- City employees were accused of fabricating companies to siphon taxpayer money. 城市工人被控告用假公司来骗取纳税人的钱。
- But there is little public tolerance for overpaying with taxpayer money. 不过,公众不能容忍浪费纳税人的钱的做法。
- Koplan was more blunt, calling it a waste of taxpayer money to develop a program that works and then dismantle it. 柯普兰说的更不留情面,他认为终止一个有效的项目就是在浪费纳税人的钱。
- She can't flaunt her wealth anymore, for fear of being outed in the press as wasting taxpayer money. 她无法再炫耀自己的财富了,因为担心会被媒体曝光,说她浪费纳税人的钱。
- The opposition party condemned the new airport as a waste of taxpayers' money. 反对党谴责说,新机场是浪费纳税人的钱。
- It's a sin to waste taxpayers' money like that. 这样挥霍纳税人的钱太不应该。
- This time, CEOs won’t be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet. 这一次,首席执行官们将不能利用用纳税人的前浮报工资、购买花式窗帘,或坐上他们的私人飞机溜之大吉。
- Using taxpayer money to save faltering firms is the most direct, but not the only way the executive branch intervenes in economic crises. 利用纳税人的金钱去挽救摇摇欲坠的公司是财政部门抵挡经济危机的最直接、但并非唯一的手段。
- Caruana says if the situation worsens, it may be necessary for governments to spend taxpayer money to stabilize markets. 卡鲁那说,假如形势进一步恶化,各国政府也许有必要动用纳税人的钱来稳定市场。
- Given the hassle, and congressionally mandated restraints on executive pay, no bank CEO prefers to take more taxpayer money. 考虑到此前的风波以及国会对高管薪酬作出的强行限制,没有哪家银行的首席执行长会想再求助于纳税人资金。
- But when you took taxpayer money you moved into a fishbowl.Now everyone is rightly watching your every move from every side," he said. 但是一旦你们接受了纳税人的钱,你们就进入了一个透明鱼缸,每个人都可以从任何一个角度观察你们的每一个举动。”
- Many people on both the right and the left are outraged at the idea of using taxpayer money to bail out America’s financial system. 很多人,无论左派还是右派,都对动用纳税人的钱拯救美国金融体系的主意义愤填膺。
- We also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes. 我们还可以向全世界的政府施压促进发育,要求他们将纳税人的钱,花到更符合纳税人价值观的地方。
- The cap won't apply retroactively. If your bank has already received its $45 billion in taxpayer money, there's no cap on pay. 该封顶计划没有追溯力。如果你的银行已经拿到了你的那份450亿纳税人援助,那么你的薪水就没有封顶。
- European leaders also say U.S. banks appear to be on better footing because the U.S. has recapitalized many of them with taxpayer money. 欧洲领导人还表示,美国银行业似乎处于更好的状况,因为美国已经动用纳税人资金对很多本国银行进行了注资。
- The opposition parties have condemned the new airport as a waste of taxpayers' money. 各反对党指责修建新机场是浪费纳税人的金钱。
- Taxpayer money can not fund lavish bonuses or golden parachutes for CEO's whose irresponsibility helped bring on this meltdown. 纳税人不能为企业主管们奢侈的红利或者金色保护伞买单。这些企业主管不负责任的表现也加重了这次大崩盘。
- The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers' money. 政府似乎大笔大笔地乱花纳税人的税款。