- A tax break for charitable contributions. 为慈善赠品提供的优惠税额
- One is the tax break on overtime. 一个是对超时工作的减税。
- He insisted that Mr Baucus drop any attempt to cap this tax break. 他坚持认为鲍卡斯放弃所有试图为税收优惠设置上限的努力。
- The senators are not suggesting repealing the tax break. 议员不建议撤销这种减税优惠。
- The governor came out in favor of tax breaks. 这位政府官员公开宣布赞成停止征税
- Tax breaks were created to help the auto industry. 这些减税优惠是用来帮助汽车业。
- The governer came out in favor of tax breaks. 这位政府官员公开宣称支持这项。
- In return, the adoption can enjoy tax breaks. 作为回报,认养者可以享受税收减免。
- Senate housing package would be better without an unjustified tax break for businesses. 如果没有一个尚未证明为正确的退税方案的话,参院的住房一揽子方案可以更好。
- Isn't it unconstitutional to give married couple a tax break, but not other members of society? 难道只给已婚夫妻减免赋税而不给其他社会成员不违反宪法吗?
- There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas. 在农村地区创办企业享有税收减免。
- American politicians have periodically allowed a tax break for wind generation to expire, for example. 比如,美国政客曾周期性终止风力发电的免税政策。
- Tax breaks intended as an inducement to greater reinvestment. 削减税收以吸引更多的再投资
- The stimulus package allows firms to convert the tax break into upfront payments. 刺激方案允许公司把缴税额转为预付款。
- Democrat Barack Obama proposed a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures and a two-year tax break for businesses that create new jobs. 民主党奥巴马建议制定90天的房产赎回延长期和两年的企业免税计划以创造新的就业岗位。
- But the lobby is considering asking for other changes, including a tax break for scrapping old, gas-guzzling cars, which should help stimulate demand. 但日本汽车工业协会正考虑要求做出其它改变,如对耗油量大的老旧车提供税收优惠,这会有助于刺激需求。
- Because of this plan, 95 percent of working Americans will receive a tax break, that you will see in your paychecks starting on April 1st. 因为这个计划,95%25的美国工薪阶层会获得减税,你们会从4月1日开始在自己的工资单上看到。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Mr McCain proposes to pay for this by scrapping part of the current tax break offered for employer-provided health schemes. 他提议该费用可以从削减部分“雇员缴纳保健减税计划”中提取。
- Companies that employ them can also qualify for loans and earn tax breaks. 聘用他们的公司也可以有资格获得贷款和税收优惠。