- The starting time of enjoying the relevant tax preference shall be the registration day of the transformation. 享受优惠的起始时间是转制注册之日。
- Does tax preference transition period exist when foreign-funded enterprises deposit additional funds. 外商投资企业追加投资是否存在税收优惠过渡期?
- The state shall give tax preference to the citizens, legal persons or other bodies that make donations to non-state schools and commend them. 国家对向民办学校捐赠财产的公民、法人或者其他组织按照有关规定给予税收优惠,并予以表彰。
- If there still are some tax preference policies and land using policies which are not mentioned in the above, we will quotient according to the actual situation. 上述款项中没有涉及到的税费优惠政策以及土地使用政策,根据投资规模大小、科技含量高低、效益回报快慢等项目,可采取一事一议,特事特办的方法进行商洽。
- So the reform of tax system should be insisted,tax preference should be further standarded and the preferential policies should be concise so as to keep added value tax scientific and serious. 应坚持税制改革的指导思想,逐步规范税收优惠,优惠政策要少而精,尽量取消减免税,以保持增值税的科学性和严肃性
- Provide more tax preferences for self-directed innovation, including increasing the withheld income tax. 加大对企业自主创新的税收优惠,包括加大自主创新投入的所得税抵扣力度。
- But the comprehensive exemption regulation can lead to the abuse of the tax preferences,which can cause deadweight economic loss. 但是过于笼统的免税规则往往导致滥用税收优惠,从而引发无谓的经济效率损失。
- But most of the tax preferences go not to this kind of entrepreneurship, but, for instance, to speculative real estate lending. 但很多税收优惠并没有到企业家那里,而是给了投机性的固定资产借款。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- This will save 3,000,000,000 US dollar cost disbursements, and causes Microsoft to obtain 2,800,000,000 US dollar tax preferences. 这将节省30亿美元的成本支出,并使微软获得28亿美元的税收优惠。
- I can give you a round neckline if you prefer. 如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
- Her preference in foods is omelets. 她喜爱的食物是煎蛋卷。
- I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one. 我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩。
- Secondly, it proves that the great potential of the Chinese economy and hence a level playing field are more important to foreign investors than tax preferences. 第二、它也证明了中国经济具有巨大的增长潜力,因此、一个公平的竞争环境是更重要的外国投资者比税收优惠。
- I tend to prefer have a holiday at seaside. 我往往更喜欢在海滨度假。
- It's entirely a matter of preference. 这完全是个见仁见智的问题。
- Do you prefer grass or hard courts? 你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场?
- I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我愿意坐在汽车的前面。
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。