- All acts of tax evasion and tax fraud 各种偷税、骗税和逃税行为
- By strengthening tax collection and management according to law and cracking down on all forms of tax evasion and tax fraud,we will ensure that all taxes due are collected without exception. 依法强化税收征管,严厉打击各种偷逃骗税行为,做到应收尽收。
- By strengthening tax collection and management according to law and cracking down on all forms of tax evasion and tax fraud, we will ensure that all taxes due are collected without exception. 依法强化税收征管,严厉打击各种偷逃骗税行为,做到应收尽收。
- tax evasion and tax fraud 偷逃骗税行为
- "We should, according to law, levy taxes, tighten tax collection and management, and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud." 加强依法治税,强化税收征管,严厉打击偷税漏税。
- We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration, so that all taxes due are collected, and tax evasion and fraud are prevented. 严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞"跑、冒、滴、漏"。
- We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration,so that all taxes due are collected,and tax evasion and fraud are prevented. 严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞"跑、冒、滴、漏"。
- Today he is charged with conspiracy, corruption and tax evasion. 而现在他则遭到共谋,贪污以及逃税的指控。
- Today he is charged with conspiracy ,corruption and Tax evasion. 今天他将面临密谋,腐败以及逃税的指控。
- He turns thumbs down on things like embezzlement and tax evasion. 他反对象挪用公款和逃税的事情。
- He was charged with fraud, tax evasion and money laundering and is due in court in August. 他被控以欺诈,逃税和洗钱罪,确定8月份上法庭。
- The act of concealing the source of funds for the purpose of tax evasion and fraud. 为达到逃税和欺骗的目的而隐瞒资金来源的行为。
- We must severely crack down on tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering, smuggling and other illegal and criminal activities. 严厉打击偷逃骗税、洗钱和走私等违法犯罪活动。
- Nothing is less true.Here the Laffer-effect comes into play.Every rate cut broadens the tax base because tax evasion and fraud becomes less profitable. 这不是真的,"拉弗效应" (Laffer-Effect)指出,减税反而会拓宽税基,因为逃税和税务欺诈变成无利可图。
- Tax fraud and evasion are serious matters. 税务欺诈和逃税属于情节严重的犯罪。
- Kadeer's sons Alim and Ablikim have been in jail since 2006 for tax evasion and secessionism, respectively. 热比娅的儿子阿利姆和阿布里克姆在2006年分别因逃税和推行分裂主义被关进了监狱。
- This essay looks into the cause and per-formance of international tax evasion and gives advice on relevant legislation. 本文就国际避税的动因、主要方式及反避税立法等问题进行了分析研究。
- The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall. 合法避税与偷税的区别是牢墙之隔而已。
- Illegal businesses may set up an unlicensed refuelling points false rebates or aircraft, and other means to control tax evasion and even tax rebates. 不法商家可能设立无牌加油点,虚报退税或改税控机等手段偷税漏税,甚至骗取退税。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。