- Tax official:the tax authority will assess it. 税务局:可由税务局核定。
- Tax official: the tax authority will assess it. 税务局:可由税务局核定。
- How do I register with the tax authority? 请问如何办理税务登记?
- Lawyer: If you disagree on the punishment decisions, you may apply for the reexamination, Or you can bring a suit against the tax authority directly. 律师:对于处罚决定不服的,可以在接到通知书的15日内申请复议,也可直接向法院起诉。
- The law require you to submit all income to the tax authorities. 法律要求你向税收当局申报一切收入。
- The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment. 税务当局不断逼她缴税。
- How can I do when we disagree with the tax authority? 与税务机关发生了争议怎么办?
- Good relationship with PRC tax authority could be an advantage. 与税务局良好的关系优先考虑。
- Tax legislative power is the core power of tax authority. 税收立法权是税权中的核心权力。
- The tax authorities averaged his profit out at 3000 a year over 5 years. 税务局算出他5年的平均利润为每年3000英镑。
- The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities. 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动,但他最终却与税务局惹上了官非。
- The law requires you to submit all incomes to the tax authorities. 法律要求你向税收当局申报一切收入。
- Resource Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities. 资源税由税务机关征收。
- Upon receipt of a fine, the tax authorities shall issue a receipt. 税务机关罚款必须开付收据。
- Real and false invoices shall be appraised by tax authorities. 第四十三条发票的真伪由税务机关鉴定。
- Above all the tax authority is met you buy check and ratify the amount of tax bill. 首先税务机关会核定你公司一次购买税票的数量。
- The tax authority or the designated entity that pays the prize will be the IIT withholding agent. 税务机关或其指定的有奖发票兑奖机构,是有奖发票奖金所得个人所得税的扣缴义务人。
- Keep a good relationship with local tax authority to avoid any tax troublesome and get their advise when need. 与税务部门保持良好的关系,在需要时能得到税务部门的建议和劝告。
- If you disagree on the punishment decisions,you may apply for the reexamination,Or you can bring a suit against the tax authority directly. 对于处罚决定不服的,可以在接到通知书的15日内申请复议,也可直接向法院起诉。
- The tax authority noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue. 税务局通知我他们将罚我公司缴未扣的税款并加滞纳金。