- How does the new settlement system work? 新殖民系统是如何的?
- CMU is a debt securities clearing and settlement system operated by the HKMA. 该系统是由金管局营运的债券结算系统。
- WTO Disputes Settlement System (DSU) is called Pearl on the Crown of the WTO. WTO争端解决机制(DSU)被称之为“WTO皇冠上的明珠”。
- The Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company (HKSCC) operates the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) for securities trading at the SEHK. 香港中央结算有限公司负责管理为联交所的证券买卖而设的证券中央结算及交收系统。
- The WTO dispute settlement system is faster,more automatic than the old GATT system. Its rulings cannot be blocked. 世贸争端解决体系较关贸总协定更迅速,更主动,其裁决不受阻挠。
- Offering a dispute settlement system for resolving trade issues based on commonly agreed rules. 提供争端解决机制在大多数同意的基础上解决贸易问题。
- The Renminbi Settlement System is launched to pave the way for a fully fledged renminbi RTGS system. 人民币交收系统投入运作,有助日后发展成为全面的人民币即时支付结算系统。
- The WTO dispute settlement system is faster, more automatic than the old GATT system. Its rulings cannot be blocked. 世贸争端解决体系较关贸总协定更迅速,更主动,其裁决不受阻挠。
- The Bangkok-based interbank settlement system under the control of the Bank of Thailand. (See ACH above). 由泰国银行控制,以曼谷为基地的银行同业结算系统(见上述ACH)。
- It also runs a dispute settlement system which adjudicates whether countries are breaking existing rules. 它还有一个争端解决机制,以裁定各国是否违背了现有规定。
- Sixthly, to soundly establish a financial outlay devotion and settlement system. 六是建立健全畅通的经费投入和结算制度。
- The WTO dispute settlement system is faster, more automatic than the old GATT system.Its rulings cannot be blocked. 世贸争端解决体系较关贸总协定更迅速,更主动,其裁决不受阻挠。
- In the end of the paper,the author gave some advice about the principles and content of CEPA dispute settlement system. 进而提出构建CEPA争端解决机制的基本原则和思路,并主张CEPA的争端解决程序应包括协商、仲裁、执行三个阶段。
- A departing student will normally be required to pay all taxes due up to the date of departure. Payment may not be required, however, if the student can show that his or her departure will not preclude a subsequent tax settlement. 学生离开美国时通常必须把所有的税付到启程日期,不过如果该生能证明此次离境并不妨碍以后解决税务问题,可以不必把税付清。
- The CLS System is a global clearing and settlement system for cross-border foreign exchange transactions operated by CLS Bank International CLS Bank. CLS系统是处理跨境外汇交易的全球结算及交收系统,由CLS Bank International CLS Bank负责管理。
- Basically, the article can be divided into the following parts:Part one reviews the GATT dispute settlement system briefly. 基本上可分为以下几个部分:第一部分对关贸总协定争端解决机制予以回顾。
- The WTO dispute settlement system for trade in services is an expanded field based on the traditional dispute settlement system under GATT. 服务贸易争端解决机制是世贸组织将传统的关贸总协定争端解决机制扩展而得的新领域之一。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- The endorsee shall fulfill his/her right of bill in accordance with related provisions of the payment and settlement system, when the drafts are due. 被背书人在票据到期时按支付结算制度的有关规定行使票据权利。
- Harmony analysis on project settlement system can reflect the overall situation and can improve the development of resettlement. 工程移民系统的和谐分析反映了工程移民系统的整体状况,有利于促进移民工作的开展。