- task of administrative law 行政法任务
- How to apply the basic principle of administrative law? 行政法基础理论与行政法基本原则具有内在的联系,行政法基础理论是行政法基本原则的理论根据。
- In the new century, the most important task of China is the construction of rich and harmonious society under the theory of scientific development. It can not be realized without the guarantee of law rule, especially administrative law. 世纪之交我国进入了以科学发展观为指导全面建设小康社会的新阶段,如何统筹社会发展,构建和谐社会,有赖于行政法治的保障,同时对行政法治提出了新的要求。
- Library Case Study of Administrative Law: Can Modem User Be More Frivolous? 图书馆行政法个案:魔电族真能魔高一丈吗?
- Then I would like to introduce the basic principles of administrative law. 下面我来谈谈行政法的基本原则。
- We need to increase oversight of administrative law enforcement to make it stricter, fairer and more courteous. 要加强行政执法监督,促进严格执法、公正执法和文明执法。
- The essence of the right of claim in administrative law is the serious fault liability of administrative law. 摘要行政赔偿中的追偿权对被追偿者来说是一种重大过错行政责任。
- Administrative subject theory is one of the basic theories of the science of administrative law. 为构建整个行政法学理论体系起着提纲挈领的基础作用。
- Lawyer Wang is a Committeewoman of Administrative Law Committee directly under Fujian Lawyer Association. 曾执业于康达律师事务所西安分所,2000年加盟福建天泽广业律师事务所。
- The construction of service oriented government is an importand task of administrative reform and innovation,requiring not only system innovations but also the construction in ethics. 服务型政府建设是中国政府改革和创新的重要内容,它不仅需要进行制度创新,而且需要进行伦理构建。
- The view of disaffirmation of the codification of administrative law is ungrounded theoretically and practically. 否认行政法的法典化的观点在理论和实践上都是没有依据的。
- He took on the formidable task of reforming the whole system. 他承担起改革整个系统的艰钜任务。
- In coming years, there is every likelihood that the rulemaking process will remain one of the most dynamic areas of administrative law. 在未来的岁月里,规则制定过程完全有可能仍是行政法最具生气的领域之一。
- Thus, the distinction between the two has little relevance to the vast majority of the principles of administrative law. 所以,两者之间的区别和行政法绝大多数的原则几乎没有什么关联。
- As the tiptop principle of private law field, can the sincerity principle be used in administrative law and established as a basic principle of administrative nomocracy? 诚信原则作为私法领域的最高原则,是否可适用于行政法并作为行政法治之基本原则得以确立呢?
- He performed the tedious task of collating texts. 他做了冗长而乏味的校勘原文工作。
- It is the inherent requirement for construction of ability of administration of strengthening the party,as well as an urgent task of the party-building especially. 是加强党的执政能力建设的内在要求,更是加强党的建设的一项急迫任务。
- The basic principles of administrative law are controlling and binding the various administrative legal systems of our country more and more. 行政法的基本原则越来越支配和约束着我国各种行政法律制度。
- I set myself the task of chopping up the firewood. 我给自己安排了劈柴的任务。
- Liability of administrative contract is the substantial part of administrative contract system, and a quite important problem in administrative law. 行政契约责任是行政契约制度的重要组成部分,是行政法学中的一个十分重要的问题。