- Means: "Our car would struggle on any type of circuit made up of a tarmac road surface laid out with straights and corners. 意思是:“我们的赛车在任何由直道和弯角组成的柏油路面的赛道上都会很挣扎。”
- Tarmac road pattern with superior performance especially on winding road. Good handling on stering axle.Excellent for buses. 适合弯曲的柏油路面行驶,提供优越的导向操纵,最适合巴士使用。
- Means: “Our car would struggle on any type of circuit made up of a tarmac road surface laid out with straights and corners. 意思是:“我们的赛车在任何由直道和弯角组成的柏油路面的赛道上都会很挣扎。”
- The plane taxied along the tarmac. 飞机沿跑道滑行。
- The roads merge a kilometre ahead. 这两条道路在前面一公处汇合成一条大道。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- I'm going to tarmac the front drive. 我要把前面的汽车道铺上碎石沥青。
- Eight roads radiate from the square. 八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。
- I'll try go get home before the roads glitter over. 我想尽量在道路结冰前赶回家。
- Five roads radiate from this roundabout. 有五条道路以这个环状交叉路为中心向各方伸展开。
- Wheels leave grooves in dirt roads. 车轮在泥路上留下凹痕。
- The roads were sanded after the snowstorm. 道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- All the roads leading to the city had been mined. 通往该城的所有路上都已布雷。
- Wet roads are a hazard to drivers. 道路湿滑会对司机构成危险。
- There was a lot of traffic on the roads. 这些道路上车辆行人很多。
- You may take either of the roads. 两条路你随便走哪一条。
- The government keeps the roads in good repair. 政府使道路保持在良好状态。
- A careless driver is a menace to all road users. 漫不经心的驾驶员对于路上所有车辆和行人都是危险的。