- R e g i s t r a t i o n , S f R ) . 在装 船前进行 P S I 及需要的 P S T ; 获得 C o C .
- E g : My girlfriend gets snippy when I tell her I'm going out with the boys . 当我告诉女友要去和哥们出去时,她当既就翻脸了。
- Compared with Received Pronunciation, the Indian English has the following characteristics, e g. 的比较 ,可以找出印度英语语音的一些主要特征 ,如 :短元音在词尾时往往重读 ;
- E g : Just because you don't get your way . it doesn't mean you have to get snippy . 仅仅是因为没有按照你的意愿走,你就可以嚣张无礼了吗?
- R S A Y ?0 1 ?0 X ?K ?Y U .?A G M ..?L N ..G ?I G M .?N G ..?Y Y M ..N S I E G .?I T .. 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- E G T S W Y O T C S H R R .E R F R T M S N Y A S E R N A E .H S E T S E G G Y S E G T S W Y O T C S H R R . 本片以最近的研究成果与最新考古学发现为基础,结合现代拍摄与动画技术进行重建,本片将古埃及的智慧结晶重现出来,不仅说明这个遗迹是如何与为何如此伟大,并且透过剧情背景重建的方式,让一位名为纳克特的年轻埃及人来述说这段故事;
- Pearlin L I, Lieberman M A, Menaghan E G, Mullan J T. The stress process[J]. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1981, 22(4): 337-356. 张虹;陈树林;郑全全.;高中生心理压力及其中介变量的研究[J]
- If this episode of scattering the convoy, P.Q 17, seemed bizarre, some of the events that took place, merely confirmed this fact, e g. 如果第17护航舰队的分散开起来似乎是很奇怪的,一些事情发生了,只是证实了这个事实。
- Zangeler E G, Hinsbergh V W. Norepinephrine and iloprost improve barrier function of human endothelial cell monolayers. Role of cAMP\[J\]. Am J Physiol 1994,260(5):c1052-1058. 黄崭;陈凇娟.;卡维地洛治疗高血压的临床疗效及对血脂、糖代谢的影响\\[J\\]
- R e g e d t 3 2 . e x e中都有弌个专门菂编辑噐。
- R e g e d i t . v b s 设置为允许运行。
- S t r a t e g y(5 . 9):模板方法使用继承来改变算法的一部分。
- S t r a t e g y ( 5 . 9 )模式:用一个装饰你可以改变对象的外表;
- The content of immunoglobul in and complement C3 in circ-ulating immune complex( CIC ) are determined by the polyethylene glycol ( P E G ) precipitate method with rocket immunoelectro-phoresis in 115 healthy infants. 应用聚乙二醇沉淀法加火箭免疫电泳测定115例健康小儿的循环免疫复合物(CIC)中各免疫球蛋白组分和补体C_3含量。
- The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks. 大使馆是恐怖分子攻击的明显目标。
- The absorption edge increases as the amount of fluorine is raised. The optical energy gap E g is mainly determined by CF bond in the films, which results in the change of the density of states in band tail of the valence band. 薄膜中氟的引入对吸收边和光学带隙产生较大的影响 ,吸收边随氟含量的提高而增大 ,光学带隙则主要取决于CF键的含量 ,是由于强电负性F的引入改变了价带带尾附近带隙中态密度的结果所至
- The company has targeted a profit for the year. 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。
- e.g.The bamboo is hollow,which makes them light. 竹子是空的,这使得竹子很轻。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- America has become a target for terrorist attacks. 美国成了恐怖分子攻击的目标.