- target volume in quantity 目标销售量
- Results The differences in isocenter position were observed obviously, the size of target volume in CT-sim were larger than that in Con-sim (P<0.01), the shape of 90% isodose curve co... 结果CT模拟定位和常规模拟定位的等中心点位置不相同;射野均大于常规模拟定位(P<0.;01);90%25等剂量线更能够适形;包括靶区。
- Ifs cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大量地购物要便宜些。
- Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty. 不足的,缺乏的在数量、程度或范围上缺乏的; 不足的
- Insufficient space on target volume. 目标卷上空间不足。
- The Effect of CT Scans Slice Thickness on Gross Target Volume in CT Simulation CT模拟定位中扫描层厚对肿瘤靶区体积的影响
- I looked at this bulky volume in despair. 看着这块大部头,我束手无策。
- Increase sales volume in existing accounts. 增加现有客户的包装用量。
- I picked up that volume in a secondhand book shop. 那本书是我偶然在一家旧书店里找到的。
- It's cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大宗购物比较便宜。
- The buyer bought pearls in quantity. 买主大量采购珍珠。
- It is cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大宗购物比较便宜.
- Paint is cheaper when you buy in quantity. 油漆大量购买较便宜。
- I tumble upon the rare volume in the nearby bookstore. 我在附近那家书店偶然发现了这一珍本。
- Silver export is gradually diminishing in quantity. 银的出口数量逐渐减少。
- I tumbled into the rare volume in the nearby bookstore. 我在附近那家书店偶然发现了这一珍本。
- Thymus bldies prominently increased in quantity. 胸腺小体数量增多。
- Heavy rain contains more water volume in the form of large drops. 大雨中含有较多水分并以大粒子形态出现。
- Relationship Conparative Study Between Prescription Volume and Target Volume in Gamma Knife Dose Planning 伽玛刀剂量计划系统照射容积和靶区容积的相关性比较
- Influence of Window Wide and Window Level on Outlining the Target Volume in CT Simulation CT模拟定位中窗宽窗位变化对勾画靶区的影响