- target profit transfer price 目标利润转移价格
- In the profits management,, it establishes allocating principle and draws up the valid inner transfering price to reach profits transfering for Sino group. 在利润管理方面,为赛洛集团确立了集团利益分配原则、制定有效的内部转移价格,合理实现利益的转移。
- The primary difference is that a transfer price often has a markup added to the cost to allow for a profit on the transaction. 但是两者主要的区别是一个转让价格通常在成本基础上有一个加价,这个加价相当于交易时所要求的利润。
- If the same segment were organized as a profit or investment center, the charges to users would be called a transfer price. 如果使用部门是一个利润中心或投资中心时,使用部门对产品或服务计算费用就是一个转让价格。
- If the same segment were organized as a profit or investment center, the charges to users would be called...transfer price. 如果使用部门是一个利润中心或投资中心时,使用部门对产品或服务计算费用就是一个转让价格。
- In order to quote properly, you need to know its cost and the target profit well in advance. 为了能报出合适的价格,你预先就得对成本和预期利润心中有数。
- From scalped tickets, so the transfer price is relatively higher. 1月23日19:00点到合肥的动车二等座,拿到了其它车次,故转让。
- To ensure the JV Company projects to meet the contractual schedule and to meet the JV Company target profit margin. 确保合资公司承接的项目能够满足合同规定的进度要求,同时保证合资公司利润目标的完成。
- Divided : Addition cost pricing method and target profit pricing, changes in cost pricing, breakeven Pricing four. 其分为:成本加成定价法、目标利润定价法、变动成本定价法、盈亏平衡定价法 四种。
- In situations such as this, the selling division will often add some "target"markup figure to its costs in quoting a transfer price to the buying division. 在此条件下,销售部门通常增加目标的加价后作为转移价格给购买部门。
- To ensure the AWT projects to meet the contractual schedule and to meet the AWT target profit margin. 确保AWT承接的项目能够满足合同规定的进度要求,同时保证AWT利润目标的完成。
- To ensure the JV Company projects meet the contractual schedule and the JV Company target profit margin. 根据阿海珐的技术要求以及其他部门的要求,及时、准确完成合资公司产品的设计。
- To ensure the Company projects to meet the contractual schedule and to meet the Company target profit margin. 确保公司承接的项目能够满足合同规定的进度要求,同时保证公司利润目标的完成。
- What transfer price should Division Y quote to Division X for the new fitting? 则y部门向X部门要求的转移价格为多少
- The highway enterprise should regard target profit as the goal of budgeting management and put emphasis on cost and expense budgeting and capital budgeting. 公路经营企业应该以目标利润作为预算管理的目标,以成本费用预算和资本预算为重点。
- The optimal transfer price in any situation is the one that best balances the needs for gold congruence and autonomy. 最佳的内部转移价格应该是使目标一致和决策自主权达到最佳的平衡。
- A transfer price implicitly involves a trade-off between gold congruence and autonomy. 权衡目标一致与决策自主权之间的关系。
- Transfer pricing is the cor e of related transaction. 转移定价是关联交易的核心问题。
- With the normal trade principle, the worldwide recognized adjustment methods of transfer pricing include the one based on trade and the one based on profit. 在正常交易原则的前提下,国际上公认的转让定价调整方法包括以交易为基础的方法和以利润为基础的方法。
- If Division Y in our example has idle capacity, then the appropriate transfer price is less clear. 如果例中y部门有闲置生产能力,则适当的转移价格便比较模糊。