- ALDP can cure PHT and protect target organs. 氨氯地平不仅可以治疗原发性高血压 ,而且对靶器官有保护作用
- The heart and vessels are target organs of relaxin. 心脏和血管是松弛素的靶器官。
- The lung is one of the primary target organs of paraquat. 百草枯对全身多器官均可产生毒性,肺组织是最重要的靶器官之一。
- Gastrin and cholecystokinin and secretin act on the same target organs. 促胃液素、缩胆囊素和分泌素作用于相同的靶器官。
- Conclusion The toxic target organs of tetramine are the heart, brain and liver. 结论脑、心、肝可能为其毒性作用的主要靶器官或靶组织。
- This self-generated effect the liver, liver glucagon is the target organ. 此效产生自肝脏,肝脏是胰高血糖素的靶器官。
- The independent factors of high risk damaging target organs included course of hypertension, properties of BPE, time of BPE, and load value of BP, etc. 病程长,收缩压及混合型血压升高、夜间及持续血压升高、血压负荷值增大等都是心脑肾损害独立危险因素。
- Whether local autocrine and paracrine factors within target organs such as the heart modulate AMPK is unknown. 现尚未清楚是否是由心脏等靶器官内的局部自分泌和旁分泌因子调控AMPK。
- Objective :To evaluate longterm therapeutic effect of amlodipine on target organs in essential hypertension. 目的:探讨长期服用氨氯地平的安全性和对靶器官损害的作用。
- Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic between isolated systolic hypertension and target organ damage. 目的研究老年单纯收缩期高血压与靶器官损害的临床特点。
- Removing the target organ and medical treatment such as to block the H2 recepter and use somatostatin are usful too. 切除靶器官以及内科治疗如应用H2受体阻滞剂、生长抑素(善宁)亦有效。
- The ultimate goal of the therapy is to decrease the risk of target organs damage,then minimize the occurrence of cardiovascular endpoint events. 降压治疗的目的不仅仅是降低血压水平,其最终的目的是有效降低靶器官损害的危险性,进而减少心血管终点事件的发生。
- The target organ damage caused by EH was mainly in br ain then in heart and kidney. 原发性高血压靶器官损害以脑损害为主,其次为心脏、肾脏损害。
- Conclusion:The long term treatment with amlodipine was safty in hypertensive patients,the reversal effect of target organs impairment is significant. 结论:长期服用氨氯地平不论从顺从性、安全性及对靶器官复原的作用上是有明显好处的。
- Histopathological analysis showed that Y13 can cause systemic infection, the target organs including the liver, spleen, kidney, brain, gill and so on. 组织病理分析表明病原菌导致的感染是全身性的,病鱼的鳍、肝、脾、肾、脑以及鳃等部位都有不同程度的病变。
- The target organs of infection was lower respiratory tract (35.40%), upper respiratory tract (18.68%) and urinary tract (12.05%). 主要感染部位:下呼吸道35.;40%25、上呼吸道18
- To detect the effect of metformin on the target organ damage of spontaneous hypertension rats(SHR). 目的:观察二甲双胍对白发性高血压大白鼠(SHR)靶器官病变的影响。
- With the development of medical science,the heart already gradually lost its "only" authoritative status as a diagnostic target organ death. 随着医学科学的发展,心脏已经逐渐失去作为死亡诊断靶器官的“唯一”权威地位。