- The pros and cons of strike action were discussed. 人们商讨了支持和反对罢工活动的论点。
- His proposal became the target of criticism. 他的建议成了批评的目标。
- This is the official kind of strike. 这是一种官方的罢工。修改:这是工会组织的罢工。
- Pragmatism is the common target of different world. 实用是东西方不同世界的共同追求。
- His crazy ideas made him the target of their jokes. 他的古怪使他成为他们取笑的对象。
- I was out front, a target of opportunity. 我却站在第一线,是个最合适的靶子。
- This book will be the target of bitter criticism. 这书会成为严格批评的对象。
- The fat man is the target of many jokes. 那个胖子是大家取笑的对象。
- This broker is the target of the conversation. 此Broker是会话的目标。
- The long-term target of the sea c. 海文化之长期目标。
- The firm has been immobilized by a series of strikes. 公司因一连串的罢工而陷於瘫痪。
- The "noun" is the target of the code. “名词”是代码的目标。
- The question of strike action must be put to union members. 举行罢工这一问题须提请工会会员表决。
- A queue can be the target of a SELECT statement. 队列可以是SELECT语句的目标。
- Can be directed using Target of Vengeance. 施法距离700,冷却时间35秒。
- They used the threat of strike action as a lever to get the employers to agree to their demands. 他们威胁要罢工,试图以此迫使雇主答应他们的要求。
- The genesis of strike was a disagreement over wages. 那次罢工的起源是因工资问题上的歧见。
- The appeal fund has reached its target of 10000. 吁请捐助的款项已达到10000英镑这一预定目标.
- Target of infection : Network shares. 感染对象:网络股.
- The question of strike action must is put to union members. 举行罢工这一问题须提请工会会员表决.