- He heard the tap of canes and crutches. 他听到手杖和拐杖触地的声音。
- First, contaminants volatilize out of groundwater. 首先,污染物从地下水中挥发出来,变成蒸气。
- tapping of groundwater 潜水集水井
- CTD Divers were installed for observation of groundwater dynamic. 在典型区域的钻孔中安装CTD Diver进行地下水的动态观测。
- Just one smooth tap of the putter and you'll card a birdie. 只要再轻轻打一下,你就能轻易的赢得一个小鸟球。
- Souls gathered from the letter, sharing the tap of a keyboard! 聚集来自心灵的文字,分享键盘敲击的精彩!
- The buoyancy of groundwater makes adverse effects to stability of foundation. 地下水的浮力对基础的稳定有不利的影响。
- Captain Sellers introduced the tap of bell as a signal to heave the lead. 赛勒斯船长提出了以敲铃为抛测铅的办法。
- It sucessfully estimates the magnitude of groundwater pollutions in the region. 将该算法应用于实际问题的求解,计算结果与实际部门的估算值基本吻合。
- And in the long term this pumping of groundwater might be unsustainable. 而且如果继续这样抽取,地下水就可能不能长期供应。”
- Pesticide use in urban areas also cause the pollution of groundwater. 城市的杀虫剂使用也会导致地下水的污染。
- An excessive amount of groundwater is the major cause of land subsidence. 过量开采地下水是造成地面沉降的主要原因。
- A rapid series of light, tapping sounds. 劈劈啪啪声,卜卜声一系列快速的、连续的轻拍声
- Anywhere we go, we can hear the ringing of a cellphones , the tapping of a keyboard or the clicking of a muse. 不论我们走到哪里,我们都能听到手机的铃声,键盘的敲击声和鼠标的点击声。
- Investigations and studies on the exploitation and utilization of groundwater in plain area will be launched. 开展平原地区各类地下水资源开发利用调查研究。
- New views are presented on superheating of the steam fed into the gasifier and further tapping of its potentials. 并对入炉蒸汽过热及煤气炉进一步挖潜提出新的看法。
- The methods of protection of groundwater from salinization and pollution are proposed. 针对城镇用地不合理造成的地下水污染问题,提出了用地建议。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。