- The transfer of pig viruses to humans is unlikely. 此疗法导致感染猪病毒的机率极小。
- tapeworm of pig 猪绦虫
- These shoes are made of pig skin. 这些鞋子是猪皮做的。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
- The Neijiang is also a breed of pig. 在内江市也是一个品种的猪。
- Price of pig declines sharply resulting in diminished livestock. 生猪价格下跌较多,存栏下降。
- Why the hoste always added the "you are a head of pig" behind? 为什么楼主老是在后面加上那个“你个猪头”,表示对别人的鄙视?
- The number of pigs and poultry has doubled. 生猪和家禽增加了一倍。
- To give birth to(a litter of pigs). (母猪)产(一胎猪仔)
- Have you seen frenzied hunt their prey of pigs? 你见过疯狂追捕猎物的猪吗?
- Farmers cure that meat of pigs to make bacon. 农夫把猪肉制成腌肉
- Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication? 猪崽的了链球菌该用什么药物治疗?
- Of pigs and cows, the latter are more valuable. 猪和牛比较,后者更有价值。
- Who has fermentation technology details of pig bed? Can give a? 谁有发酵床养猪技术的详细资料?能给传一份么?
- Do the autopsy of pigs after half an hour. 半小时后尸体解剖。
- One of his favorite dishes is made of pig's intestine. 他特别喜欢吃肥肠。
- She proudly showed us around the pens full of pigs. 她自豪地带着我们看了看养满了猪的猪圈。
- Bacon is made of the side of pig cured by salt, sugar and sodium nitrate. 熏肉是用猪的肋骨肉,加盐,糖和硝酸钠腌制。
- Sufferred from disease of pig bursa cercaria to there are those symptoms? 患了猪囊尾蚴病有那些症状?
- He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant. 他在餐厅里大吃大喝,真丢脸。