- tape measure for horses 马用量带尺
- There were six stalls for horses in the stable. 马厩里有六个栏。
- They used to barter for horses with salt. 他们过去以食盐交换马匹。
- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是纱的度量单位。
- tape measure for measuring circumference of limbs 测肢周长用带尺
- The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy. 酒吧服务员用银质小量器量白兰地酒。
- I'm joice, I'm from the tape measure city of China. 我们公司是专业生产钢卷尺,长尺等量具的厂家!如果有需要,联系我吧!
- This kind of grass is a common fodder for horses. 这种草是普通马的饲料。
- measure for horses, tape 马用量带尺
- His father made saddles for horses. 他的爸爸是做马鞍的。
- The soldiers made a requisition on the village for horses. 士兵们在村子里征用马匹。
- Don' t guess how tall she is -- fetch a tape measure. 不要猜她有多高了,拿把卷尺量一量吧。
- The tailor took my measurements for a new suit. 裁缝给我量做新西装的尺寸。
- The tape measure will show change well before the scale does. 该皮尺将显示改变之前,没有规模。
- His teacher has been paid in full measure for the time she spent on him. 他的老师按所花费的时间得到了充分的报酬。
- Wrap a tape measure around your waist at the level of your navel. 在腰部的肚脐水平位置用卷尺测量腰围。
- I brought along a tape measure to the furniture store. 我带着卷尺来到了家具店。
- The tailor took my measure for a new coat. 裁缝为了给我做新上衣,量了我的尺寸。
- Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms. 在这些农庄,普遍地以骡代马。
- The tailor took my measure for a new suit. 服装师给我量尺寸做一套新衣服。