- Design Method of Open Type Hydraulic Tank 开式液压油箱设计方法
- As a whole stainless steel horizontal tank type mixer, this machine is widely used for mixing of powdery or paste materi... 本机为全不锈钢卧式槽形混合机,在制药、化工、食品、电子、饲料、颜料、染料等工业中用于混合粉状或糊状的物料。
- The radial piston pump with boot slider is a kind of new type hydraulic pump, which is developed by Germany Bosch CO. 滑靴式径向柱塞变量泵是一种新型结构的液压泵,是德国Bosch公司在20世纪80年代研制成功的产品。
- Abstract The paper gives out structure of tilting pin type hydraulic forging die for producing frame of shaker. 给出了震动器机壳斜销式液锻模具设计结构。
- As a whole stainless steel horizontal tank type mixer, this machine is widely used for mixing of powdery or paste material in pharmaceutical, chemical and foodstuff industries. 本机为全不锈钢卧式槽形混合机,在制药、化工、食品、电子、饲料、颜料、染料等工业中用于混合粉状或糊状的物料。
- The new type hydraulic prop reduces the accidents due to the seal leaking by using seal-compensation and seal-swelling, and reduces seal change times and maintenance times. 新型液压支柱采用密封补偿和密封胀紧等密封方式,可减少因密封泄漏而造成的冒顶等事故隐患,减少密封更换次数及维修次数。
- This paper introduces the improving process of outside pour type hydraulic prop.It can reduce labour strength,raise pressure text safety and work efficiency. 介绍了外注式单体液压支柱试压头的改造过程,对其进行改进可以降低劳动强度,提高试压安全性能和劳动效率。
- free-settling hydraulic classifier 自由沉降水力分级机
- It also analyses the application effect of “PDC bit+Steerable motor+MWD”bottomhole assembly,DSSJ8 type hydraulic bit weighted tool,drillable float collar and float shoe. 总结分析了“PDC钻头+导向马达+MWD”钻具组合,DSSJ8型水力加压工具,可钻式浮箍与浮鞋在该井的使用效果。
- A design of an oil tank type dynamic emulsification equipment of diesel oil on the basis of programmable logic controller(PLC) was presented,based on the diesel oil dynamic emulsification technology. 根据柴油动态乳化技术,设计了一种基于可编程序控制器的油柜式柴油动态乳化装置。
- Abstract: This paper introduces the improving process of outside pour type hydraulic prop.It can reduce labour strength,raise pressure text safety and work efficiency. 文摘:介绍了外注式单体液压支柱试压头的改造过程,对其进行改进可以降低劳动强度,提高试压安全性能和劳动效率。
- Selection of storage tank types at an oil deport not only depends on stored oil properties but also is affected by the general layout of the oil depot. 摘要石油库储罐罐型的选择,不但取决于储存油品的物性,同时也受到总平面布置的影响。
- The assumed low-stand plunger type hydraulic pumping unit will be provided with a reverse valve having the function of automatic reverse, that translate into simplification of beth the oil circuit and the control system. 设想的低架柱塞式液压抽油机中的自动换向阀具有自动换向功能,由此所构思的油路组成及控制两大系统大为简化。
- Because of the big difference between the two tank types, the 2nd Tank Regiment was assigned to the 4th Army, which used it in the battle in southern Bessarabia and at Odessa. 因为罗马尼亚军队拥有的这两种坦克之间存在很大不同,所以在战争爆发后,第二坦克团被调入罗马尼亚第四集团军,配合该军进攻奥德萨。
- water tank type wire drawing machine 水箱式拉丝机
- tank type metal zinc oxide surge arrester 罐式FS6金属氧化物避雷器
- The results of calculations show that damaged stability of the double hulled VLCC could be improved, and the relative provisions in the MARPOL Convention could be satisfied if ballast tank types are reasonably selected. 计算结果表明,双壳体VLCC如能选择合适的压载舱布置形式,就能提高船舶在破舱后的生存能力,满足MARPOL公约有关破舱稳性的规定。
- sleeve valve type hydraulic self-sealing coupling 套管滑阀式液压自封接头
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在从油罐里吸出汽油。
- frame type hydraulic press for veneer sheet 框架式层压板液压机