- There is a very very tall coconut tree, 有一棵耶树长的非常高
- I stood leaning against the tall coconut palm tree. 我斜靠着一棵高大的椰子树站着。
- What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? 问:飓风和椰子树说了些甚麽?
- Tiny villages with thatched huts lie half-hidden among tall coconut palms. 棕榈顶小屋的村子半掩半露地坐落在高高的椰子树林中。
- Park, the coconut trees, tall and straight areca, banana, mango tree forest, swaying in the wind Fengwei Zhu Yi, Huang Ying-yang brilliant owner. 园内、椰子树、槟榔树挺拔,香蕉树、芒果树成林,凤尾竹随风摇曵,黄斑竹映阳灿烂。
- He who plants a coconut tree plants food and drink, vessels and clothing. 种椰子数就是栽种食品和饮料,容器和衣物。
- Coconut trees and palms have a tropical fiavour. 椰林棕榈,热带风味。
- We can see the Five-Finger Mountains and also some coconut trees. 在那里我们可以看到五指山,还可以看到椰子树。
- Ahead a very erect-walking old Negro in a black alpaca coat and pressed dark trousers came out of one of the unpainted board shacks along the road that was shaded by two tall coconut palms and turned into the highway ahead of him. 在他前面走着一个腰背笔挺的老黑人。黑羊驼绒的外套,熨得平平的裤子,走上公路,两侧夹道遮荫的椰子树下,是一溜沿街的白木板棚屋。老黑人是从一间棚屋里出来。
- Commonly used matrix has turfy earth, coconut tree branny, pearlite, vermiculite, mix commonly use. 常用的基质有泥炭土.;椰糠
- Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant. 连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。
- Newlyweds love personally planted in front of a coconut tree, to show good luck. 新婚夫妇都爱在门前亲手种下一棵椰子树,以示吉祥。
- Fruits of the olive and coconut trees are important sources of oil. 橄榄树和椰子树的果实是油的重要来源。
- This woman couldn't have grown up with Tantie.She was much younger than my mama.But when she said hallo, her voice was crackly like dried coconut tree branches. 但是领我纳闷的是我这个女人不可能和坦蒂一样大,她比我的妈妈还要年轻许多。
- Its beauty is the beauty of the sea and sky, and the varied colour of the lagoon, and the grace of the coconut trees. 那地方的美是海天茫茫的美,是湖水变幻不定的色彩和椰子树的摇曳多姿。
- Because the wind blew lengthwise along the atoll, the house had been sheltered by the miles of coconut trees. 因为风是顺着岛的纵长方向吹过来的,这所房子得到好几公里宽的椰林的庇护。
- Weaving is the major occupation of Tuvaluan women. The material comes from the coconut trees readily at hand. 编织,是吐瓦鲁妇女的主要工作,材料来自唾手可得的椰子树。
- Coconut trees, banana trees, wooden hut, beach and white sand - Kampong life style. 蕉风椰雨,小木屋,海滩和白沙-传统式的马来乡村风情。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- Outdoor BBQ/Fisherman's Hotpot: Presented among the coconut trees in the luscious garden beach with live band. 椰林烧烤/渔家火锅:椰林草坪间品尝海鲜烧烤和本地传统火锅,还有现场乐队表演。