- I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar. 我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干。
- The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight. 古松苍劲挺拔。
- Two tall and straight poplars stand in front of the gate. 门前有两棵挺拔的白杨。
- He was tall and straight and clear-eyed and browned. 他个子高高的,身子笔挺,两眼清澈,皮肤晒得黑黑的。
- His tall and straight stature makes him stand out among his peers. 他挺秀的身材在同行的人中显得特别突出。
- Your walk should be easy and graceful, stand with your back tall and straight. 走路的步伐要轻松自在;站立的姿势要端正挺直。
- Dingzhou tower tall and straight appearance Junxiu, powerful and spectacular. 定州塔外观挺拔俊秀,威武壮观。
- Nanwang Jue Shan, Bimodal interpolation days, beautiful tall and straight. 南望珏山,双峰插天,秀丽挺拔。
- Guta clouds to form tall and straight Juanxiu temple, exquisite carving process. 云接寺中古塔造型挺拔隽秀,雕刻工艺精美。
- Look, in that misty clouds Peak, a lush green bamboo tall and straight, dense foliage covering the half-peaks. 瞧,在那云雾飘渺的山顶,一片葱郁的毛竹挺拔苍翠,茂密的枝叶遮盖着半座山峰。
- No, not that tall and straight pine, no, not that lovely boxwood lobules, but the beautiful camellias. 不,不是那挺拔的青松,不,不是那可爱的小叶黄杨,而是美丽的山茶花。
- Winter, the other trees are bare, and the camphor tree is still tall and straight into the snow and ice. 冬天,别的树木都光秃秃的了,而樟树却仍然挺拔在冰雪之中。
- In the cemetery, age-old trees stand in great numbers, pines and cypress are tall and straight, the surroundings are quiet. 陵园内古木林立,松柏挺拔,环境清幽静谧,气氛庄严肃穆。
- You, verdant and luxuriant, tall and straight, grow through the temper of time: every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist. 你苍郁挺拔,在岁月的磨练中成长,每日迎着初升的旭日,沐浴着无际的云雾。
- Hanayama Festival is an important indicator of stroke flowers, there are generally tall and straight choice, slippery or Songbai Cheongsong made. 花山节的重要标志是花杆,一般要选择高大挺直,滑溜的青松或松柏做成。
- Allan walked on stubbornly. He looked down at his sun-burnt peeling legs, which made him thought of Tom's tall and straight brown legs. 阿兰仍顽强地大步前行,他低头看了一眼自己被晒红的、脱了皮的两腿,想起了汤姆强健挺拔的棕色的双腿。
- But I must say, teacher is a big tree, his root infixes in the earth, his stem tall and straight unyielding, his leaf dances luxuriantly. 而我要说,老师是一株大树,他的根深植于大地,他的茎挺拔不屈,他的叶茂盛婆娑。
- Wall at the southeast onkui xing have a floor, a small octagonal-storey 24 meters, all for the glazed tile roof cover, sophisticated tall and straight. 在东南城墙上还有一座奎星楼,八角形的小楼高24米,全部为琉璃瓦覆顶,精巧挺拔。
- Park, the coconut trees, tall and straight areca, banana, mango tree forest, swaying in the wind Fengwei Zhu Yi, Huang Ying-yang brilliant owner. 园内、椰子树、槟榔树挺拔,香蕉树、芒果树成林,凤尾竹随风摇曵,黄斑竹映阳灿烂。
- Four Seasons of tabulaeformis green evergreen tall and straight, a hundred years of vicissitudes, butlao dang yi zhuang , style. 苍翠挺拔的油松四季常青,百年沧桑,却老当益壮,别具风格。