- Don't talk around the issue. Get to the point. 别绕弯子了,说关键的问题吧!
- Don’t talk around the issue. Get to the point. 别绕弯子了,说关键的问题吧!
- People can talk around without coats . 人们可以到哪里谈话都不用穿外套。
- Hot and sexy supermodels talk around him as he performs. 炎热和最性感超级交谈,因为他的表现而定。
- The best ones do. - I couldn't even talk around him. 我甚至不能自如地和他说话。
- Why did she talk around the subject rather than come to the point? 为什么她只是围绕这一话题,而不是开门见山?
- Don't talk around the question; come straight to the point. 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈出来吧。
- After finished, we had free talk around the content of text. 随后针对课本内容进行了自由讨论。
- Despite all the talk around them, the principals in the saga remain quiet. 不管他们说什么;我们的第一主角却依然保持沉默.
- Everybody took care not to talk around her about the quake or her family. 每一个人都小心翼翼不在她身边提及地震和她的家庭。
- Talk around I talked them around to my point of new. 我说服他们支持我的观点。
- As the signature tune was faded out, the voices of a group talking around a table were faded up. 随着节目信号曲的音量的减弱,围坐在桌子四周的一席人的谈话声由弱变强。
- There was talk around that he had been used by Chicago monsters to bump off the mayor. 人们纷纷传说他是受了芝加哥暴徒的雇用前来刺杀市长的。
- Already China is squabbling fiercely with Asian neighbors as protectionist talk around the world rises alarmingly. 当世界范围内令人担忧的贸易保护主义言论抬头时,中国已经同其亚洲邻国激烈争论。
- Have a meeting, with some people talk around the table on the things like the programs or the items, the marketing paper, documents for imports. 开会呀,和一些人围着一张桌子讨论项目,市场分析报告还有进口的一些商业文件等等。
- He has to talk around in circles till Ma gets so confused that she gives up and tells him to save his voice for his law practice. 他不得不兜圈子,等到把妈说糊涂了,妈才会让步,才会叫他保护好嗓子去学律师。
- "It has been a difficult week for us, partly because of all the talk around the side. Today we all put a little more concentration into the task. "对我们来说这是艰难的一个星期;几乎所有的媒体都在评论着我们.;而今天我们把注意力更加集中在了赛场上
- Having been burned by hyperbole before, the talk around the team has become more restrained, predictions far more nebulous. 以前已经说的太多了,围绕着这个队伍的话题已经被限制,预计都很模糊。
- "There was still a lot of talk around there that I would be replaced or whatever, but I never really followed that talk too much. “那时,依然有许多我将会被替代或其他什么的言论,但是我从来不真的去理会它们。
- On a conference call with analysts, Mr.O'Neal said, 'I'm not going to talk around the fact that some mistakes were made. 奥尼尔在与分析师举行电话会议时表示,他不会谈论有关美林犯了错误的事。