- We need to talk things over man-to-man. 我们需要相互坦率地来讨论事情。
- Let's sit down and talk things over. 我们坐下来讨论一下吧。
- Well,drop in some time tomorrow and we'll talk things over. 嗯,明天什么时候来吧,我们好好谈谈。
- You'll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend. 把情况和朋友详细聊一聊,你会觉得大有帮助。
- We suggested that she stop by that evening to talk things over. 我们建议她在那晚顺便来找我们, 把事情商量一下。
- Let's try to talk things over without getting excited. 有话心平气和地讲。
- She talked things over with her husband. 她和丈夫详细商量了情况。
- Talking things over with her would be a good outlet for you. 有事跟她谈一谈,对你也许是个很好的解愁的方式。
- Co-counselling appears remarkably similar to talking things over with a sympathetic friend. 互同辅导像极了和一位富有同情心的朋友畅谈。
- If be goods attaint, so, by sell the home and express company to talk things over solve. 假如是货物损坏,那么,由卖家和快递公司协商解决。
- This shows, did not talk things over with labour union and laborer, unit of choose and employ persons cannot build enterprise annuity. 由此可见,未与工会和劳动者协商,用人单位不能建立企业年金。
- When I get to Warwick Avenue, meet me by the entrance of the tube. We can talk things over a little time. Promise me you won't stand by the light. 当我来到沃里克大街,和我相见在地铁的入口出。我们可以花点时间简单的聊聊。答应我你不会站在路灯下。
- Wherever there are democratic parties or individuals willing to co-operate with us,the proper attitude for Communists is to talk things over with them and work together with them. 在一切有愿意和我们合作的民主党派和民主人士存在的地方,共产党员必须采取和他们一道商量问题和一道工作的态度。
- After adjudging, company of China friendship brother and agent of Internet bar of station of net You Yi all say, will with entrust just talk things over to whether appeal. 宣判后,华谊兄弟公司和网游驿站网吧代理人均称,将与委托方协商是否上诉。
- This kind of negotiation is not open dialogue, talk things over, concealment however the ground undertakes argy-bargy, in order to achieve goal of oneself some kind of economy. 这种谈判不是公开对话、协商,而是隐蔽地进行讨价还价,以达到自己的某种经济目的。
- Get together with others early in the week, whether it's gathering input and expertise in a meeting at work, or seeing friends to laugh and talk things over. 在这周过早的聚集,在会议上运转是否它是聚集收入和专家的意见,或留心朋友笑声和谈话。
- He longed to talk things over with Old Cheng, but there was nothing he could say for words were inadequate to express his feelings. So in spite of all his bitter experiences, he remained mute. 他很愿意和老程谈一谈,可是没话可说,他的话不够表现他的心思的,他领略了一切苦处,他的口张不开,像个哑吧。
- Be like bilateral party to entrust technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment jointly, talk things over by bilateral party beforehand pay appraisal cost. 若双方当事人共同委托医疗事故技术鉴定的,由双方当事人协商预先缴纳鉴定费。
- Two above partner advocates those who buy right exercise is preferential, talk things over to buy scale severally certainly; Do not talk things over, make according to the respective contributive scale travel when making over preferential buy right. 两个以上股东主张行使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让时各自的出资比例行使优先购买权。
- Response: After always installing policeman of police station community to investigate, with house appoint meeting and street talk things over, send two people toward bughouse cure. 回应:永安派出所社区民警调查后,与居委会及街道协商,将两人送往精神病院治疗。