- talented women in Qing Dynasty 清代才女
- Under the feudality system and man authority. the women in Qing Dynasty were ruined ruthlessly both in body and mind. 摘要清代的深闺制度使妇女的身心遭到无情摧残,尤以男权制度压制为甚。
- Why People Went West in Qing Dynasty? 试析清代走西口的成因?
- Did they both appear in Qing dynasty? 它们都出现于清代吗?
- Import Solingen cavalry sword in Qing dynasty...... 大清进口的索林根马刀.....
- Wark on it began in Qing Dynasty(1709A. 该寺创建于西元1709年(清康熙四十八年),距现在有270年的历史。
- Analysis on the Types of Chaste Women in Gansu Province in Qing Dynasty 清代甘肃列女群的类型分析
- Among many talented women of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wang Duanshu was accountably outstanding. 摘要在明清两代的众多才女中,王端淑可谓是其中的佼佼者。
- It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty. 这是中国清代的一位著名画家画的。
- All official robes in Qing dynasty had horse-hoof-shaped cuffs. 清朝的官服都有马蹄袖。
- An Analysis of the Reasons for Remarriage of Women in Gansu Province in Qing Dynasty 清代甘肃孀妇再醮原因分析
- Abstract: Li Qingzhao and Zhu Shuzhen with a well-known for the talented woman in the Song Dynasty, they are full of imaginative power sensitive, rich emotion and an enviable talent of literature. 摘要:李清照与朱淑真同为宋代词坛著名才女,他们都富有敏锐的才思、丰富的情感和令人羡慕的文学创作才华。
- Qing Dynasty women Tanci Fiction, not as women in the poems, words, music creation and access to the concern of many affirmed. 清代女性的弹词小说创作,虽未如女性在诗、词、曲创作方面获得众多的关注和肯定。
- Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing Dynasty. 清朝官员出行通常乘坐轿子。
- Many scholars in Qing Dynasty ascribed the collapse of Ming Dynasty to Yuan Chonghuan's (The most talented general of Chongzheng) sentence to death by Chongzheng (The Emperor of Ming Dynasty). 两位犯了一个同样的错误:将“史评家”看成了“史学家”,这是两个不同的概念。
- Zhang Xuecheng is a famous historiographer and bibliographer in Qing Dynasty. 摘要章学诚是清代著名的史学家、目录学家。
- Zidishu is a special storytelling type originated in Peking in Qing Dynasty. 子弟书是一种特殊的产生于清朝都城北京的说书类型。
- talented woman in Feudalist Society 封建才女
- Bukui was a chief of Daur in Qing dynasty, whose name was widely used. 摘要清代达斡尔首领卜魁拥有一个应用广泛的名字。
- The education of women in Anqing appeared in the end of the Qing Dynasty,which was both the natural product of the social change and an important force to propel the social transformation of Anqing. 安庆女子教育产生于清末,既是近代安庆社会变革的必然产物,又是推动安庆社会转型的重要力量。