- Among many talented women of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wang Duanshu was accountably outstanding. 摘要在明清两代的众多才女中,王端淑可谓是其中的佼佼者。
- Abstract: Li Qingzhao and Zhu Shuzhen with a well-known for the talented woman in the Song Dynasty, they are full of imaginative power sensitive, rich emotion and an enviable talent of literature. 摘要:李清照与朱淑真同为宋代词坛著名才女,他们都富有敏锐的才思、丰富的情感和令人羡慕的文学创作才华。
- This has enabled us to the Beijing University on this talented woman and Wets home more full of curiosity. 这使得我们对这一对北大才女和才子的家更充满了好奇。
- The latter half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of a unique type of American fiction which dramatizes the fate of talented women. 十九世纪中叶到世纪之交,美国文坛涌现出以女性艺术家为主人公的文学作品。
- China is now the literary world renowned romantic poet, essayist Hsu Lu Xiaoman and talented woman had had to shock the world of love. 蜚声中国现在文坛的浪漫主义诗人、散文家徐志摩与才女陆小曼曾有过惊世骇俗的恋爱。
- Many so-called "talented women" dedicated many years of their life to writing long tanci narratives, symbolically turning the genre into a "female form. 女性在阅读与创作上热烈参与,使得弹词小说在象徵意义上与女性结下了不解之缘,而此一文类的接受与创作更成为必须考虑的文学史课题。
- Because they are hitting a glass ceiling, many of the most talented women and minority group members are leaving their organizations in search of better opportunities elsewhere. 因为遇到玻璃屋顶,许多有才能的妇女和少数人种的组织成员离开了他们的组织,到别处寻找更好的机会。
- Herold can not match him in artistic talent. 就艺术才华而言,海洛德不能同他相比。
- In the modern history of literature, Zhang Ailing With "Legend" monumentally talented woman is the hero of our most familiar with the writer of one. 摘要:在现代文学史里,张爱玲这个拥有“传奇”身世的绝代才女是我们最熟悉的女作家之一。
- They are constellation of Hollywood talent. 他们是好莱坞的一群才俊。
- He early showed a talent for music. 他早年即展露出音乐的才能。
- I have no talent for acquiring foreign languages. 我没有学习外国语言的才能。
- He has great talent, but he has lost his faith. 他很有天赋,但是他已经丧失了信心。
- I liked Mary's singing in the talent show. 我喜欢玛丽在有奖竞赛中的演唱。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。
- We are undoubted her talent as an athlete. 我们从不置疑她作为一个运动员的天赋。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- The mother found that her son had a musical talent. 母亲发现儿子有音乐天赋。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- His talent and dedication will insure his success. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。