- take ones way towards toadj. 向 ...
- take ones way towardsadj. 向 ...
- But I'm not qualified to take on the job. 但我没有条件担任这项工作。
- How could he take on himself to say that? 他怎么能那样说呢?
- He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. 他不愿承担重任。
- The whole scheme began to take on a more practical aspect. 整个计划开始具有更切合实际的性质。
- Dick bought three wash and wear shirts to take on his trip. 狄克买了三件免烫衬衫出门旅行时用。
- Thank you, your generous gift will go a long way towards helping to build the children's hospital. 谢谢你,你慷慨的捐赠将对建造儿童医院有很大的帮助。
- Don't take on so; there is nothing to worry about. 不要这样激动,没有什么可担心的。
- The ship took on a dangerous cant to port. 船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。
- Alternative Medicines: On The Way Towards Integration? 选择药:是迈向一体化之路吗?
- After 1978 the farm began to take on a new look. 1978年之后,这个农场开始有了新的面貌。
- It will go a long way towards success. 它将有助于获得成功。
- We are feeling our way towards a treaty. 我们正试图达到协定。
- To ship; to load; to take on a ship. 装上货轮。
- Any disadvantages toward to the elders in sociaty? 社会哪些方面对老年人不太好?
- We made tracks towards to the hotel. 我们很快地走向这家旅馆。
- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers. 工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。
- They made their way towards the center of the town. 他们朝城中心走去。
- To place or take on as a beginner or learner. 做学徒放在初学者或学员的位置上或作初学者或学员