- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- You mustn't take his words as gospel. 你不要把他的话当作信条。
- He liked to take his time over breakfast. 他喜欢从从容容地吃早饭。
- He likes to take his time over breakfast. 他喜欢不慌不忙地吃早餐。
- When he used his hook shot nobody could stop him. 当他钩手投篮时,没人拦得住他。
- He must learn to take his medicine. 他必须学会忍受不愉快的事情。
- You should not take his statement on trust. 你不应该盲目相信他的这一番话。
- John will take his medicine only by compulsion. 只有对他用强制手段约翰才会服药。
- You needn't take his rudeness so hard. 你不必为他的粗鲁而如此不快。
- He couldn't take his eyes off her. 他无法把自己的目光从她身上移开。
- He takes his ground on intuition. 他的意见是凭直觉。
- He pauses a moment at the foot of a tree to take his bearings. 他在一棵树下面停了下来,以便判明自己的方位。
- Satan, like a fisher, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish. 撒旦就像钓鱼人一样,它会依照鱼的胃口,钩上对味的鱼饵。
- Take his words with a grain of salt. He always exaggerates. 对他的话要打折扣听。他总爱夸张。
- When judging his performance, don't take his age into account. 评定他的表现时,不必考虑他的年龄。
- By next summer he'll have taken his final exams. 到明年夏天时,他将完成他的最后考试。
- When waiting for a bus, he takes his turn. 等公共汽车时,他按顺序排队。
- Mr Jones only take his cream puff out for a drive on Sunday. 琼斯先生只是星期天才驾着他那辆二手车出去兜风。
- He took his medicine like a lamb. 他顺从地服下了药。
- He was handed a list and told he could take his pick of the drinks available. 有人递给他一张单子,告诉他可以任意挑选这儿有的饮料。