- She could not take her eyes off the picture. 她目不转睛地看着那幅画。
- When in the park, she could never take her eyes off the lovely children. 在公园里,她总是目不转睛地看著可爱的孩子们。
- But she didn't take her eyes off of us. 但是她从没停止过察看我们。
- Fern couldn't take her eyes off the tinypig. 小法兰不能使她的眼睛从这只微小的猪身上离开.
- She seemed hardly able to take her eyes off the necklace. 她似乎难以把目光从那条项链上移开。
- When in the park,she can never take her eyes off the lovely children. 在公园里,她总是目不转睛地看著可爱的孩子们。
- When in the park, she can never take her eyes off the lovely children. 在公园里,她总是目不转睛地看著可爱的孩子们。
- She never took her eyes off the baby for a moment. 她目不转睛地注视着这婴儿。
- Idea 3: They get to the beach and Kathleen's sister can't take her eyes off a surfer who's wearing a Speedo.Is Jim mad? 想法三:他们来到海边,凯萨琳的妹妹直盯著一个穿著紧身泳裤的冲浪手,吉姆会生气吗?
- Idea 3: They get to the beach and Kathleen's sister can't take her eyes off a surfer who's wearing a Speedo. 想法二:他们来到海边,看到大浪,吉姆便说他胃痛不能去冲浪。
- The night was filled with laughter and entertainment, but throughout the evening, Thelma could not take her eyes off a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table. 那晚充满了笑声和欢乐,但是整个晚会上,西尔玛的眼神都没有离开一个坐在另一头的绅士身上。
- The night was filled with laughterentertainment,throughout the evening, Thelma could not take her eyes off a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table. 那晚充满了笑声和欢乐,整个晚会上,西尔玛的眼神都没有离开一个坐在另一头的绅士身上。
- Navigation systems built into a car’s dashboard cannot safely use “soft-keys” that change their meaning in different contexts because the driver is forced to take her eyes off the road to read each function label. 车载导航系统肯定不能使用根据不同情境改变了意思的“软键”,这样不安全。 因为司机的双眼离不开路面,没有时间查看功能按钮上的标签。
- Pamela cut herself a piece of steak and ate it, not taking her eyes off Victor Henry as he wolfed the food. 帕米拉切了一块牛排吃,在维克多·亨利狼吞虎咽的时候眼睛一刻也没有离开他。
- Can't seem to take her eyes off of you and I see it 我知道她们一看到你就难以将眼光从你身上移开
- Couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy. 不能把视线从想得到的玩具上离开。
- take her eyes offvt. 不看(把目光从 ... 移开)
- Comments: Zhou Xun off the stunning appearance, the Smart small fox, old Hu Yao's seductive hidden in her eyes, it is no wonder that Edward Chen Kwan will take her home. 点评:周迅的出场扮相令人惊艳,小狐狸的灵动、老狐妖的妖媚都藏在她的眼里,也难怪陈坤会带她回家。
- He couldn't take his eyes off her. 他无法把自己的目光从她身上移开。
- Without taking her eyes from the box, Dorothy said, "Told you I'd retired, too. 多萝西眼盯着电视,头也不回地说,“不是告诉你我也退休了嘛!