- The results provide the theoretical basis and design guidance for the application of tailrace tunnel ventilation system in hydropower station. 这些结果为水电站无压尾水洞引风系统的应用提供了理论基础与设计依据。
- Field test on heat and moisture transfer performance of tailrace tunnel ventilation in a hydropower station 水电站无压尾水洞引风热湿交换特性的现场测试
- Thermodynamic calculation method of tailrace tunnel ventilation process in hydropower stations 水电站无压尾水洞引风过程热工计算方法
- tailrace tunnel ventilation 尾水洞引风
- The tech-econornic rationality on using steel form jumbo for lining of tailrace tunnel of Shuibuya Hydropower Station is analysed. 对在水布垭尾水洞衬砌工程施工中,使用钢模台车的技术经济性进行分析。
- The calculated result from an example shows that the stable sectional area reduces with the increase of working head, or the decrease of the tailrace tunnel length. 计算结果表明,尾水调压室断面面积随水轮机工作水头的增大或尾水洞长度的缩短而减小。
- In this layout, the diversion tunnel adopts the two-machine, the two-tunnel and underground power house, and the tailrace tunnel adopts the two-machine and one-tunnel. 尾水洞为两机一洞布置,两个进水口布置在二期厂房与白山水库泄洪洞冲坑之间的左崖山体处;
- Tunnel Ventilation System(TVS) has already been selected into "The National Spark Projects of 1994". 鸡舍纵向通风空调系统已列为1994年国家级星火项目。
- M.Funabashi,T.Aoki,M.Yahiro,H.Inoue,A fuzzy model based control scheme and its application to a road tunnel ventilation system,Proc.IECON91 Internat. 赖建成,应用模糊逻辑理论于公路隧道通风系统空气品质控制之模拟研究,国立台湾科技大学,自动化及控制研究所,硕士论文,2006。
- The method is adopted in the tailrace system dynamic simulation calculation of Baise hydropower station, and the tailrace tunnel shape is optimized, so the satisfying result is worked out. 将该方法应用于百色水电站的尾水系统动态仿真计算中,并对尾水隧洞洞型进行优化,得到了满意的结果。
- For the scheme of tailrace tunnel with variable crown heights, tailrace surge chamber can be omitted,but pressure and interface between free flow and pressure flow would vary with flow transition. 向家坝水电站尾水下接金沙江,江水位变幅大,尾水隧洞选用变顶高尾水洞方案时可不建尾水调压室,但洞内压力和明满交界面会随水流过渡过程变化。
- By the model test with model hydro turbine and generator units, on the condition of the steady flow, unsteady flow, and the flow state in the tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling is understood. 小波动条件下变顶高尾水洞体型对机组运行稳定性的影响;
- In simulating Sanxia, Xiangjiaba hydroelectric power stations, some useful conclusions are attained: The more the gradient of the tailrace tunnel is, the less the fluctuation of pressure is. 在对三峡、向家坝等电站的过渡过程进行计算的基础上,给出了工程应用中有用的结论:变顶高尾水隧洞洞顶的坡度越大,明满流动的压力波动越小;
- Being effected by air flow temperature,the use rule algorithm calculation high temperature mine tunnel ventilation parameter is able to come into being the specified error. 受风流增温的影响,使用常规算法计算高温矿井的巷道通风参数会产生一定误差,这会直接影响风网解算结果。
- WOLTER products are used widely in all fields i.e. heating and ventilation systems, industry, mining, tunnel ventilation, agriculture, navy, offshore business, etc. WOLTER产品应用范围广泛,适合各行各业。例如:热能和通风系统,工业,采矿业,隧道通风,农业,海运业,近海开发业等等。
- tailrace tunnel with variable crown height 变顶高尾水洞
- tailrace tunnel with variable crown heights 变顶高尾水洞
- The pollution emission amount from the automobile is one of the most key parameters, as it is the ground for selecting schemas of ventilation and is the base for designing the tunnel ventilation. 而在公路隧道营运通风设计中,汽车污染物排放量是最关键的参数之一,它是选择通风方案的依据,也是隧道通风设计的基础。
- Because two tailrace tunnels of Laxiwa Hydropower Station are big in its diameter,the concrete lining adopted the way of "first bottom and then side and top arch". 拉西瓦水电站两条大洞径的尾水洞,采用先底拱、后边顶拱的混凝土浇筑方式。
- Bolting-grouting on the different level by bolting-grouting mechanism in bad repaired roadway,can guarantee the stability of repaired tunnel and the need of tunnel ventilation and transportation. 运用锚注支护机理,对失修巷道进行不同层次的锚注,能够保证修复后巷道的稳定性,保证巷道通风、运输的需要,具有积极的推广运用价值。