- There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tail wheel in desperation. 至少有两机仓士兵被带上了天空,他们有的拼命抓住飞机的起落架,有的抱住尾轮。
- There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tailing wheel in desperation. 至少有两机仓士兵被带上了天空,他们有的拼命抓住飞机的起落架,有的抱住尾轮。
- He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。
- He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. 他讨厌此时夹着尾巴退回来。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- He is dishonest, and a coward to boot! 他为人不诚实,还是个胆小鬼呢。
- If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up. 如果我开车时睡着了,就叫醒我。
- The dog wagged its tail excitedly. 那条狗兴奋地直摇尾巴。
- The dog wags its tail in expectation of a bone. 那条狗摇著尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。
- She's an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot. 她是个很有魅力的女人,而且很富有。
- A cat with no tail is an anomaly. 没尾巴的猫是一只畸形猫。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog? 利比亚这小国家能左右埃及这样的大国吗?
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父亲是政府里的要人。
- New recruits are trained at the boot camp. 新兵在新兵训练营接受训练。
- He got a big boot out of hunting in Africa. 他曾去非洲打猎,从中得到极大的乐趣。
- The whale thrashed the water with its tail. 那条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。
- I scuffed the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子後跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- The sting of a scorpion is in its tail. 蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。