- tachymater theodolite 视距经纬仪
- Calibration of Camera System of TV Theodolite[J]. 引用该论文 周泗忠;杨晓许;郭治理.
- This method is also suitable for the theodolite with a contract index level. 这个方法也适合于一般具有竖盘符合水准器的经纬仪。
- Real-time error-correction method for photoelectrical theodolite[J]. 引用该论文 高策;乔彦峰.
- New shafting error simulating method of photoelectric theodolite[J]. 引用该论文 李慧;沈湘衡.
- The swing equation of gyro theodolite is nonlinearity, and data processing result is not good after linearizing. 陀螺的摆动方程是非线性的,线性化后的数据处理结果都不理想。
- A surveying instrument similar to a theodolite that measures horizontal and vertical angles. 中星仪一种类似于测量水平或垂直角度的测伟仪的测量器具
- A method to measure the water gate flatness is introduced in this paper.This mothod uses the theodolite and vernier. 介绍一种利用经纬仪和游标量具测量福建水口电站船闸挡水闸门平面度的方法;
- This text introduces the application of theodolite in the directional measure technique in Qidong ventilation shaft. 简要介绍了陀螺经纬仪在定向测量中的应用和祁东风井联系测量技术。
- An improved theodolite fixed with a simple laser direction indicator was introduced. 介绍了用一种简易激光指向器改装经纬仪,使普通经纬仪带有激光指向器。
- Finally, The calibrating result of laser ranging theodolite in Changchun Observatory is also presented in this paper. 最后给出了利用这种方法标校长春人卫站卫星激光测距经伟仪指向精度的结果。
- Analysis for pointing error of three-axis photoelectric theodolite with collimation axis eccentricity[J]. 引用该论文 徐征峰;陈洪斌;刘顺发;曹雷.
- This article introduced hardware, software and interface of the microcomputer system used in the theodolite. 本文介绍778光电经纬仪微机系统的硬件结构,软件体制和与微机化设计相适应的一些接口技术。
- Points matching algorithm for sophisticated multitarget intersection of TV theodolite[J]. 引用该论文 柴饶军;纪大山;马彩文.
- The transformation matrix from the sensor coordinate frame to the theodolite coordinate frame is then found. 因此,可求得视觉传感器坐标系到经纬仪坐标系的变换矩阵。
- Measurement error from the photoelectric theodolite is the main error in the ballistic trajectory measurement. 光电经纬仪测量元素误差是外弹道测量中最主要的误差源。
- The two equations provide a theoretical base for designing precision of the photoelectric theodolite. 这2个公式为光电经纬仪精度指标的设计论证提供了理论依据。
- The traditional metrological verification instrument for theodolite has many disadvantages. 摘要传统的经纬仪计量检测设备存在诸多缺点。
- This technique has been widely applied to the Photoelectric Theodolite 778 and the Automatic Film Reader. 这一技术将在778光电经纬仪和自动判读仪的程序设计中得到广泛的应用。
- Vehicle twin-photoelectrical pointing system mainly consists of reflex light-tubes, a autocollimation theodolite and modulators. 摘要车载双联光电瞄准系统主要由折转光管、自准直经纬仪和相应的调制器组成。