- tabetic crises [医] 脊髓痨危象
- The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved. 引起这些危机的社会问题尚未解决。
- Great crises are breeders of great events in history. 严重的危机引发重大的历史事件。
- Rapidly progressive tabetic neurosyphilis. 赖伟红,薛华忠,韩国柱.
- The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism. 周期经济危机是资本主义制度所固有的。
- Is there any chance of a tabe by the window? 能否订一张靠窗户的桌子呢?
- We can't forecast political crises well. 我们不能很好地预测政治危机。
- Great crises often call forth gifted leaders. 危急存亡之际才能产生天才的领袖。
- The papers are playing up the oil crises again . 各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。
- They were facing a variety of crises at that time. 当时他们面临了很多危机。
- Future crises were handled crisply. 后来的一次次危机都处理得干净利落。
- The papers are playing up the oil crises again. 各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。
- Natural Gas Hydrate: the savior of energy crises? 可燃冰:能源危机的拯救者?
- Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the tabe. 妈妈说到午饭做好了,一窝蜂地。
- Just Whom Do Financial Crises Hurt? 金融危机到底苦了谁?
- La Bourse a connu plusieurs crises. 交易所有过好几次危机。
- Meeting the deepest crises today. 今日世界最深重的危机在哪里?
- Laura Day has seen her share of crises. 面临过危机。
- tabetic crisis 脊髓痨危象
- She is always to the fore at moments of crises. 她在危急关头总是挺身而出。