- tabetic arthropathy 夏科氏关节炎
- Rapidly progressive tabetic neurosyphilis. 赖伟红,薛华忠,韩国柱.
- Is there any chance of a tabe by the window? 能否订一张靠窗户的桌子呢?
- Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the tabe. 妈妈说到午饭做好了,一窝蜂地。
- Osteomyelitis, spinal cord cavity disease, bone arthropathy and various difficult disease arousing to various cause. 对于各种原因引起的骨髓炎,脊髓空洞症,骨关节病及各种疑难病。
- The X-ray findings were osteolysis of the phalanges and mutilating arthropathy of the lower limb. 足部X线检查发现趾骨骨质吸收和致残性关节病。
- Now,the replacement of artifical joints treatment severity arthropathy is standard operation of clinic. 目前人工关节置换已经成为治疗严重关节病损的临床标准手术。
- Pseudoparalysis of the shoulder and severe rotator cuff arthropathy are contraindications to this procedure. 肩关节假性瘫痪和严重的旋转撕裂是这个方法的禁忌症。
- Pseudoparalysis of the shoulder and seere rotator cuff arthropathy are contraindications to this procedure. 肩关节假性瘫痪和严重的旋转撕裂是这个方法的禁忌症。
- It also persisted when the researchers excluded patients with inflammatory arthropathy (inflamed joints). 它也坚持当研究人员排除患者炎性关节病(关节发炎) 。
- Irrigation through T tabe, ERCP and operation are the common treatments for the patients. 管冲洗、ERCP术及外科手术是常用的治疗手段。
- Objective To introduce a new method for treatment of hemophilic arthropathy of knee by transfer of double vascularized fascia flaps to knee joints. 目的介绍一种带血管蒂双叶筋膜瓣移位于膝关节治疗血友病性关节病的新方法。
- This disease is characterized by enthesopathy,arthritis,sausage-like toe and seronegatie enthesopathy and arthropathy syndrome. 肌腱端炎、关节炎、腊肠趾及血清阴性肌腱端病和关节病综合征是本病特征性表现。
- The sustained object of Wangtong is being one of the best company in the tabe profession by collecting all of genius and devoloping nationalindustry. “凝聚天下英才,振兴民族工业”,成为管道行业中最佳企业之一,是网通人始终既定的目标。
- ObjectiveTo Study the curative results of degenerative arthropathy of knee treated by transfer of vascularized fascial flaps of anterolateral femoral. 探讨中西医结合治疗退行性膝关节病的疗效。
- Lumbar zygapophysial joint arthropathy is a challenging condition affecting up to 15% of patients with chronic low backpain. 腰椎小关节病占慢性腰痛的15%25,已成为极具挑战性的课题。
- Judgement in which tabe of workload in[1]is used.It is important to activize workers to great effort,to improve the service quality and to manage the reference roon scientifioly. 它有利于充分调动资料室工作人员的积极性,提高服务质量,实现科学管理。
- Research focus on arthropathy. 研究重点:关节疾病。
- Conclusions: The reerse total shoulder arthroplasty prosthesis can produce good results when used for the treatment of a number of other complex shoulder problems in addition to cuff tear arthropathy. 结论:除了肩袖撕裂关节病,逆向全肩关节成形修复术在另外一些复杂的肩关节疾病上也能很好的效果。
- Keywords Fluoride poisoning;Arthropathy;Imageology; 关键词氟中毒;关节病;影像学;