- There isn' t enough room for all the furniture. 没有足够的地方放置全部家具。
- I want to be a Beal.but I haven't enough evil. 我想成为一个邪神.;但是我还不够邪
- Eating vegan by itself isn’t enough to guarantee good health. 严格素食本身并不足以保证良好的健康。
- Those weren’t enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. 这些都满足不了你们的享受需求。
- There aren' t enough computers for the whole grade of students to go round. 计算机不够整个年级学生用的。
- When your mouth gets dry, there i 't enough saliva to wash away dead cells. 当口腔变得干燥时,口中便没有足够的唾液将坏死细胞冲走。
- A whole lifetime isn’t enough to savor the art and marvel at the antiquities this famous Italian city has to offer. 一辈子的时间也不足以品尝这个意大利著名城市所提供的艺术,以及赞赏它的古物。
- But that wasn’t enough to sway top generals, when asked to choose between the Raptor and the much cheaper F-18. 不过那不足以改变将军们当被问及在“猛禽”以及更便宜的F-18中间做选择时的想法。
- But his Saratoga County support wasn''t enough to overcome nike shoes''s huge lead elsewhere. 业内人士分析说:“其实做到并不难。”
- And if that isn’t enough, when she clicks on a tab in the back row, the entire row of tabs moves forward, shunting the other two rows to the back. 问题在于标签的移动! 激活的标签必须位于底部这一行,所以如果你单击拼写和语法,这一行就必须滚到底部,另一行则上升到顶部。
- As if that weren\'t enough, Barry also incited his RA students to revolt and then allegedly accused Reynolds of financial impropriety. 似乎这还不够,巴里还鼓动他在皇家美术学院的学生造反,而且据说后来甚至指控雷诺兹在财政上存在违法问题。
- Seeing your fellow troops on a digital map inside helmet-mounted monocle was nice;but it wasn’t enough to justify all the bulk. 从一个头盔单眼屏幕上的一张电子地图看见你的手下部队很不赖,但是用这些来证明整个系统还很不够。
- America tends to make peop le m iserable w hen they areo ld and there are no t enough ph rases in the dict ionary to glo ss over the ugly reality. 美国社会往往使老年人感到痛苦, 而英语词典中却没有足够的委婉语能掩饰住这一丑恶的现实。
- And if the more than 60 wineries aren’t enough, Barossa also offers an artisanal cheese trail, and nearby Adelaide is a foodie destination in its own right. 如果说60多家葡萄酿酒厂还不足够的话,那么此地还盛产一种手工制品奶酪,而且在阿德雷德附近也有美食家们独有的好去处。
- As if normal family life isn"t enough trouble, Bill Henrickson (Bill Paxton, Twister, Thunderbirds) has everything in triple: three wives, three houses, three families. 三位美丽年轻的妻子每夜轮流享用自己的丈夫,而一起掌管家庭收支。
- Many of us are bombarded with spam every day and hate it.Although there are a few email providers that provide great spam filtering services, sometimes that just isn’t enough. 很多人天天遭受垃圾邮件的轰击而咬牙切齿,尽管有一些邮件提供商提供了很强大的垃圾邮件过滤服务,但有时候还不够用。
- Although you enjoy this kind of work, there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it, so you’ve decided to delegate part of the task to Mike/Michelle Callahan. 尽管你喜欢这种工作,但是白天的时间不够,所以你想决定布置部分工作给Mike/Michelle Callahan。
- User interfaces based on metaphors have a host of other problems as well: There aren’t enough good metaphors to go around, they don’t scale well, and the ability of users to recognize them is often questionable, especially across cultural boundaries. 基于隐喻设计的用户界面还有一大堆其他问题,如没有那么多好的隐喻,并且可扩展性很差。 用户对隐喻的认知能力经常值得怀疑,特别是在跨越文化边界时。
- The only other bit of kit I use is a Gorrilapod, which is a little bendy tripod you can clip to a chair (or anything really) for photographing interiors where there isn’t enough light. 我这些小玩意儿中的另一个而且不可或缺的成员,是一个猩猩三脚架。猩猩三脚架,是一个小小的、弯曲的、有弧度的三脚架。你甚至可以把它别在椅子上。当拍摄建筑物的内部而光线不够的话,它就可以发挥作用了。
- And if that wasn’t enough, the increased blood flow in your blood vessels serves to clean out excess cholesterol, keeping you free of clogs which can cause strokes and heart attacks. 除此之外,那些增加的血液在你的血管里流动着,它们能清除多余的胆固醇,让你免于可能引起中风和心脏病发作的血管堵塞。