- Systematic risk can be mitigated only by being hedged . 系统风险能通过预防(隔离)而减轻。
- If systematic risks appear, consumers will have to delay their repayment of the loans and all risks will be transferred to banks. 如果不可避免的风险出现,消费者将不得不拖延还贷,那么所有的风险都将转嫁给银行。
- Therefor, certain rules and laws should be established so that private-raising funds be supervised, cleaned up, and standardized and systematic risks avoided. 因此,现阶段应通过制定法律法规加强对私募基金的监管,对现有的私募基金进行清理、顿和规范,防止系统性风险的发生,从而促进私募基金的规范化发展。
- At present, the chief risks confronting China's stock merket are systematic risks as follows stock value risk,policy risk and risk of excessive governmental intervention. 现阶段,我国股市面临的最大风险是系统性风险,集中表现为股价风险、政策风险、政府过度干预风险。
- The systematic risk of China securities market is steady, but still trails the developed country and is hard to depress. 中国证券市场的系统性风险虽然趋于稳定,但距离国外资本市场发达国家的平均水平尚有明显差距,难以进一步下降。
- Especially in recent years, the proportion of systematic risk fluctuates in the narrow range and regresses to the fixed value. 尤其是在最近几年,证券市场系统风险比例在较小幅度内波动,逐渐向某一固定值回归,趋于稳定。
- To advance Betas for measuring systematic risk and reflect dynamic characteristic of the risk,the paper discusses four moments CAPM and wavelet analysis at the same time. 为改进传统Beta系数测量系统风险的不足,反映系统风险的动态特征,讨论了四阶矩的资本资产定价模型(CAPM)并将小波分析引入到高阶矩CAPM研究中。
- Inspired with the supervision notion of the Basle Committee and for highlighting the purpose of supervision, the author uses "systematic risks" as the "starting point of theory and logic" of supervision of multinational banks. 受巴塞尔委员会监管理念的启发,为突出监管的宗旨,作者将“系统性风险”作为跨国银行监管“理论和逻辑的起点”。
- This paper delves into the effects of information disclosure and transparency (IDT) and financing constraints of a corporation on its systematic risk in terms of stocks. 本研究旨在探讨企业之资讯揭露透明度与融资限制对其股票在系统风险上的影响。
- Interest rates, recession and wars all represent sources of systematic risk because they affect the entire market and cannot be avoided through diversification. 利息率,经济衰退和战争都表现为系统风险的来源,因为他们影响整个市场并且不能通过多样化避免。
- They hypothesize that a firm's advertising and R&D expenditures create intangible assets that insulate it from stock market changes, lowering its systematic risk. 作者假设公司投入广告的费用和研发经费创造了公司有别于股价的无形资产,并由此减小了公司的系统风险。
- It shall explain to the supervisor about how it incorporates the systematic risk factors into the rating approaches it adopts, and demonstrate the reasonableness of such approaches. 商业银行应向监管部门说明所采取的评级方法如何考虑系统性风险因素的影响,并证明其合理性。
- The empirical results hold out the hypothesis of multiresolution systematic risk and multiresolution CAPM, which provide experienced evidence for dynamic portfolio to disperse risk. 实证结果支持了多分辨系统风险假说和多分辨高阶矩CAPM的成立,为构建动态投资组合分散金融风险的动态影响提供了证据。
- It consider that the conclusion of CAPM don"t accord with stock pricing of china.Nonsystematic risk act important role.There is no remarkable relation between systematic risk and stock return. 文章认为我国现行证券市场的股票定价与CAPM的结论相悖:公司特征因素在我国股票定价中扮演着重要的角色,公司特征因素模型更适合描述中国股市的定价机制。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) only considers systematical risk and assumes that non-systematical risk can be eliminated by diversification. 摘要资本资产定价模型只考虑系统风险,并假定非系统风险可以通过多样化消除。
- He will go to help them at all risks. 他要冒一切危险去帮助他们。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- He is systematic in his approach to work. 他工作起来井井有条。
- Capital Assets Pricing Model(CAPM) only considers systematical risk and assumes that non-systematical risk can be eliminated by diversification. 资本资产定价模型只考虑系统风险,并假定非系统风险可以通过多样化消除。