- system time code word 系统时间编码字
- Elapsed time shows the total system time spent executing the profiled code. 运行时间显示执行所分析代码的总系统时间。
- As with Word and Excel, new comments correctly reflect the updated system time. 与Word和Excel一样,新的批注会正确地反映更新的系统时间。
- time code word 时间码字
- Systohc System Time to Hardware Clock. 将系统时间存回硬件时钟内。
- And who shall respond to this code word ? 听到以上暗号时,谁应对其作反应?
- Clock--hctosys Hardware Clock to System Time. 把系统时间设成和硬件时钟一致。
- Privileges are required to change the system time. 设定系统时钟需要足够的权限。
- Crucially for an accountancy firm, the work was given a time code. 此项工作给还加上了时间码,而这对会计事务所却至关重要。
- The best match is used to display the message and system time. 将使用最佳匹配项显示消息和系统时间。
- The nea time you want to call a person listed as one ofxthese tags, just say that person's name or a relevant code word. 下次你想给名单上任何一个人打电话的时候,便只需说出这个人的名字或相关的代号。
- There is a possibility of error in the transmission of any code word. 在翻译电码字时有可能发生错误。
- Is it possible for me to add some code words in it? 我可以在电报中加一些暗语字组吗?
- To get or set the current system time as a String, use the TimeString Property. 若要以String的形式获取或设置当前系统时间,请使用TimeString属性属性。
- The master system time can come from its "own" CPU, a CSH11, a MM3, or a CS22. 主系统的时间可以从自身的CPU、CSH11、MM3或者CS22获得。
- In the simultaneous and chronological terms, it consists of gesture, code word, diagram and material objects, etc. 构成非言语形式隐语的方式多种多样,从共时和历时的角度考察,主要有由手势、字、示、物等构成的几种非言语形式隐语。
- I wanna say THANKS: to my home, esp. My wife Minina, they do more and spare me to have time code these. 感谢我的家人,特别是妻小娜,他们更多的操劳才使我有时间写这些。
- System timing shutdown is also interpreted in the article. 同时 ,文中也对怎样定时关闭系统这一问题作了一定介绍。
- Every time Code Review detects a violation of a rule, it reports a new finding to you. 每次程式码审查发现违反规则的程式码,它便将发出报告。
- The "big push" for rapid industrialization was the code word for development and growth. 以迅速工业化为目的的“大推进”是发展与增长的密诀。