- System innovations enliven enterprises. 制度创新为企业增添了活力。
- The precedent judgement system is not theory innovation but a kind of system innovation. 先例判决制度不是理论创新而是一种制度创新。
- VII. To persevere in knowledge upgrading and system innovation, establish and improve an integrated nationwide network for both urban and rural schools. 第七,坚持知识创新、制度创新和系统创新,建立和完善辐射全国域乡的学校教育的一体化网络。
- Development path for lhe rural economy cooperation is an inevitable choice of our rural economy system innovation. 农村经济合作化的发展道路是我国农村经济体制创新的必然选择。
- The domestic cultural environment is determining the validity in practice of this kind of system innovation. 国内文化环境则决定著这种制度创新在实践上的是否有效性。
- The property right system innovation of the rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) of our country still needs a breakthrough. 摘要我国农村信用社产权制度创新仍需取得突破性进展。
- Digitalization is an important characteristics and devement trend of system innovation under new technology. 摘要数字化是新技术背景下著作权集体管理制度创新的一个重要特点和发展趋势。
- With the deepening of grain circulating system innovation, grain logistics' development becomes emergency. 摘要随着粮食流通体制改革的深化,发展粮食现代物流成为当务之急。
- It is therefore an important thing in system innovation to remodel agricultural micro-economic organizations. 而改造我国农业微观经济组织,就是制度创新的一项重要内容。
- As a system innovation in financial institutions, Asset Management Corporation (AMC)is one of the hot issues on finance at present. 本文针对我国当前金融热点问题之一的金融资产管理公司,从理论和实证的角度,系统地对这一金融机构的制度创新进行审视和研究。
- To strengthen the management innovation, system innovation and technological innovation, leading the Nanjing mapping industry to grow. 要加强管理创新、制度创新和技术创新,引领南京市测绘事业蓬勃发展。
- System innovation, development is taught and loosening governmental control is the strongpoint that China expands new economy. 制度创新、发展教育和放松政府管制是中国发展新经济的战略要点。
- Based on system innovation, transaction costs and organization reengineering theory, the economic principles and significances of SRIO are analyzed. 基于制度创新、交易费用及组织重构角度,分析了“网运分离”的经济学动因,给出了铁路“网运分离”改革进程的若干政策建议。
- Land requisition compensation is a focal problem relevant to land management, and also a keystone of land requisition system innovation. 土地征用补偿问题是我国土地管理和社会关注的焦点问题之一,也是土地征用制度改革的重点所在。
- The elimination system to the last teacher is a disputable system in school's personnel system innovation in recent years. 摘要教师“末位淘汰制”是近年来学校人事制度改革中颇具争议性的一项制度。
- Idealism and dedication never supplant system innovation, long-term mechanism for the release of the productive forces is unimaginable. 理想主义和奉献精神永远代替不了制度创新,长期机制所释放的生产力是难以想象的。
- This one new system is arranged, it is a great system innovation that our country commercializes the farmer in the process to make. 这一新的制度安排 ,是我国市场化进程中农民做出的一项伟大的制度创新。
- The IUR cooperation different communities differences in their cooperation and innovation system innovation differences. 不同的产学研合作创新群落的差异在于其系统创新能力的差异。
- VII. To persevere in knowledge upgrading and system innovation,establish and improve an integrated nationwide network for both urban and rural schools. 第七,坚持知识创新、制度创新和系统创新,建立和完善辐射全国域乡的学校教育的一体化网络。
- Double system innovation is perfectly combining our innovation system with the latest requirements from market so as to rapidly and directly realize and match new marketing goal. 所谓双系统创新,在本质上就是将企业内部创新机制和市场创新需求机制完整结合,以求实现快速迅捷、直接高效的创新目标。