- system class compound words 制度类合成词
- "Broad-shouldered" is a compound word. "Broad-shouldered"是个复合字。
- behavior class compound words 行为类合成词
- Class is loaded by the system class loader. 类别是由系统类别载入器载入的。
- material class compound words 物质类合成词
- An analysis of compound words in mandarin Chinese. 汉语复合词研究。
- A system class is automatically defined in each namespace. 系统类是在每个命名空间中自动定义的。
- Fingerprint' is a compound word. ‘Fingerprint’(指纹)是一个复合词。
- Instance. It uses the system class loader to achieve this. 实例;它使用系统类装载程序来达到这个目的。
- Compound words is two words combined to make one word. 把两个字合拼成一个新字。
- Among added compound words, the root-plus-affix pattern dominates. 附加式合成词中,以词根+词缀型为主要方式。
- Please make a sentence with each compound word below. 请用以下复合词造句。
- A punctuation mark(-) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word, especially when divided at the end of a line of text. 连字号用于一个合成词的两部分之间的或一个单词的字节之间的一种标点符号,尤其是一行或一段结束时用
- To derive from an existing control class, store the system class name in this property. 若要从现有的控件类派生,请将系统类的名称存储于该属性中。
- Is not in the classpath of the system class loader or its parent or ancestor class loaders. 不在系统类别载入器或者它的双亲或祖先类别载入器的类别路径中。
- Is on the classpath of a user-defined class loader, which is a child of the system class loader. 在用户客制的类别载入器的类别路径中,这个类别载入器是系统类别载入器的孩子。
- Do not capitalize each word in so-called closed-form compound words. 不要将所谓的紧凑格式复合词中的每个单词都大写。
- The fingerprints may be specified by operating system class, by version,or by subtype/patchlevel. 识别可以区分操作系统,版本,(小版本号,或者说是补丁)
- Compound verb in Japanese simply belongs to the subcategory of compound word. 日语的复合动词简单地说是复合语的下属分类,是根据动词相互结合而形成的一个单位。
- In Decision Support System class today, professor asked us to guess what's the average Radford graduates' credit card debt. 今天上决策支援系统,老师要大家猜我们学校平均毕业生的信用卡债。