- The system of civil servants of our country is a short time and unperfect, whicn has a lot of defects. 摘要我国的公务员制度建立时间较短,还不完善,仍存在许多不足之处。
- The supervisory system of civil servant is of importance to establish efficient, incorrupt government and select highly qualified civil servant's team. 摘要公务员监督制度是建立高效、廉洁政府和选拔高素质公务员队伍的重要保证。
- This text combines the system of civil servants' resign for te blame and try to inquiry into the advantages and disadvantages of various superintendence models. 本文结合公务员引咎辞职制度这一新制度探讨各种监督模式的优劣。
- engaging and appointing system of civil servant 公务员聘任制
- On the Right Remedy System of Civil Servants in China 我国公务员权利救济制度探析
- system of civil servants' taking the blame and resignation 公务员引咎辞职制度
- On Innovation of the System of Civil Servant Position Classification 论公务员职位分类制度之创新
- Perfecting the System of Civil Servant's Taking the Blame and Resigning 试论公务员引咎辞职制度的完善
- On the Transformation of Civil Servant System of Japan, the U.S. And UK 日、美、英等发达国家公务员制度的变革及借鉴
- Defects of the Encouragement and Almsgiving System of Civil Servants in Our Country and Ways How to Perfect it 我国公务员奖励救济制度之缺陷与完善
- E-conomy played an important role in the system of public country civil servants. 乡村公务人员的法定收入有限,而中饱现象严重,社会评价低劣;
- The current relief system of administrative sanction against civil servants in our country exists in one single relief form. 我国现行的公务员行政处分救济制度是单一的行政救济方式。
- The system of invoking authority stipulates that the country civil servant performed authority fairly. 权力运行制度规范国家公职人员公正地行使权力。
- System of Civil Servant 公务员制度
- This exemption makes it possible for agencies to hire rank-and-file civil servants using a merit system of competitive examinations, without Presidential involvement. 这一免除使各机构得以利用竞争考核的择优制度录用基层公务员,而无需总统的介入。
- The chief aim of the civil servant system of our country is to provide sufficient supply of human resouces of high caliber to various government departments. 国家公务员制度的主要目标,在于为政府各部门提供数量足够的和高质量的人力资源。
- The value and system of civil law need transfix with culture of civil law. 摘要民法价值和制度之间需要民法文化来贯通。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Theoretically and practically, it is necessary to establish the legal system of paying compensation by civil servants, and it can be accomplished by perfecting rules and regulations both in fiel... 然而,确立公务员损害赔偿责任具有理论和实践上的必要性,应当从国家赔偿法和民法两个方面,完善相关立法,共同构建公务员损害赔偿责任制度。
- On these islands a system of barter is used. 在这些岛上仍然实行着物物交换的制度。