- Education: 1985,LLM.,EAST CHINA INSTITUTE OF POLITICS AND LAW. 教育背景:1985年1月,华东政法学院,国际法专业硕士。
- Q. H. Charles Duan graduated from East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai in 1983. 段祺华1983年毕业于上海华东政法学院。
- Entering asking inform me of China University of Politics and Law this several years fetches the fraction line. 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>院校信息>请告诉我中国政法大学这几年的入取分数线.
- B in East China University of Politics and Law, and continues her study for LL.M in the Fudan University. 华东政法学院法学士,复旦大学法律硕士在读。
- Jjames C.Hsiung, Anarchy and Order, The Interplay of Politics and Law in International Relations, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1997, P8. 比如,可参见劳特派特修订的《奥本海国际法》,上卷,第一分册,“绪论:国际法的基础和发展”,商务印书馆1989年版,第3-95页。
- All the staff of politics and law from police department should judge by the law,execute the law strictly and discipline once transgressed. 全体公安政法部门工作人员都应该做到有法可依;执法必严;违法必究.
- Lawyer Wang Luojie got his LL.B. (law) and LL.M. (Economic Law) from the School of Law of the East China University of Politics and Law. 王罗杰律师先后在华东政法学院获得法学学士、经济法学硕士学位。
- The East China University of Politics and Law has been a training ground for some of the finest leaders of China -- past and present. “华东政法大学一向是培养中国最优秀的领导人的地方,无论是过去还是现在都是如此。
- Wang Dehu, partner, LLB from East China University of Politics and Law, once was a public prosecutor in Baiyun District People's Prosecuterator of Guangzhou. 华东政法大学法学学士,曾在广州市白云区检察院从事公诉、调研工作,在国家级、省级法学报刊发表论文数篇,具有丰富的司法实践经验,1998年开始从事专职律师工作。
- An acute observer of politics and politicians. 对政治和政治家的敏锐观察者。
- Professor of Bankruptcy and Economic Law of Northwest University of Politics and Law, the former Dean of the Economic Law Department, and the LLM tutor. 西北政法大学经济法学教授,律师,原经济法学系副主任。
- Lawyer Cathy Xiong is Law Bachelor of East China University of Politics and Law, is Construction Management Bachelor of Tongji University, and is a member of Shanghai Law Association. 执业以来一直专注于建设工程等领域的法律实务研究,擅长:房地产与建设工程、外商投资、加盟连锁案件以及企业法律顾问。
- LLB, East China College of Political Science and Law (1983). 法学士,华东政法学院(1983年)。
- The three partners of this office, all graduating in East China Institute of Politics and Law, have substantial experience in lawyer business and have acted as the agent of well-known international corporations such as Budweiser and NEC. 事务所的三名高级合伙人均毕业于华东政法学院,具有多年律师执业经验,代理过诸如百威、NEC这样的国际知名跨国公司的诉讼。
- A lot of netizens become the power that did not use mechanism of politics and law to treat rumormonger to mayor Wang Wei, send Tie Yizheng seeing and hearing to express to support on the net however. 许多网友对市长王伟成没有运用政法机关的力量对待造谣者、而是在网上发帖以正视听表示支持。
- Wangweiguo (Professor at the China University of Politics and Law, tutor of doctoral students) : Aetna Group covering storm is a key concept, and the land grant acts acts should differentiation. 王卫国(中国政法大学教授、博士生导师):安泰集团占地风波的一个关键概念是,批地行为和用地行为应该有所区分。
- A course of political and military might. 政治和军事强权之路。
- Wang yingying, attorney assistant, graduated from East China University of Politics and Law as Bachelor of Laws in 2006. 王莹莹,律师助理,2006年毕业于华东政法大学经济法系,获法学学士学位。
- She has a PhD in Law from China University of Politics and Law, a Masters Degree in Law (with distinction) from Warwick University and an LLM from New York University School of Law. 她拥有中国政法大学法学博士学位的,沃里克大学的纽约大学法学院法学硕士。
- Four professors from our Research Center on Procedural Laws of China University of Politics and Law attended this symposium. 我们中国政法大学诉讼法学研究中心的四位教授参加了会议。