- The system is converted to the dq synchronous rotating frame, and a dual current control scheme is proposed. 在网侧功率平衡的基础上,基于正、负旋转坐标系下双电流环控制策略对直流侧电压进行了研究。
- A simple control method of voltage source shunt active power filters is proposed in the synchronous rotating reference orthogonal coordinate system. 提出了在同步旋转坐标系下的电压源型有源电力滤波器简单控制方法。
- Some measures,such as controlling two walking wheels,synchronizing rotation by synchronizing valve,or installing a guide disk on the front of the vehicle,are put forward to ... 提出用同步阀控制两侧半步行轮的同步运动、在气垫车前部安装导向盘等措施来保证其直线行驶性能。
- On the basis of analyzing function principle and control strategy of VSC SMES,a current decoupled coordinating control method based on two phase synchronized rotation reference frame is presented. 以多机架冷连轧机为背景,研究了冷连轧轧制过程的动态模型,建立了冷连轧过程的增量式线性化动态模型,提出了一种相邻机架间的最优解耦控制方法。
- synchronous rotating reference frame 同步旋转坐标系
- synchronous rotating transformation 同步旋转变换
- The seasons follow each other in rotation. 四季循环交替。
- A rotation of personnel; crop rotation. 员工的轮流替换; 农作物的轮作
- A tentisive idea of on-line balancer is raised out,in which a noncontact synchronously rotating electromagnetic force is used as balancing vector. 提出了一种采用无接触同步旋转电磁力作为平衡矢量的在线动平衡机的设想。
- The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile. 谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。
- Servo-motors at one end of the ropes allow to synchronically rotate the elements to open or close the space visually and modify its acoustic qualities. 伺服电机在一端的绳子允许同步旋转的要素打开或关闭的空间视觉效果,并修改其声学品质。
- The sun appears to rise and set because of the earth's rotation. 因为地球在自转,看上去就有了日出和日落。
- Based on analysis of using balance weight of loading arm,a new synchronously rotational balance weight is detailed and its method of calculation are discussed. 在对现有输油臂平衡配重进行分析的基础上,详细阐述了一种新型同步旋转式平衡配重及其计算方法,该种配重方式可使输油臂在工作过程中处于动态平衡状态。
- The chairmanship of the committee changes in rotation. 委员会主席一职是轮流担任的。
- synchronous rotation 同步绕转,同步旋转
- An erotic rotation of the pelvis. 淫荡地晃动卖弄色相地扭动臂部的动作
- Rrecovery was synchronous with therapy. 恢复与治疗是同时的。
- A counterweight balances the rotation. 有一个砝码平衡回转。
- Cannot use a synchronous audio device. 无法使用同步音频设备。
- Old)Rotation is due to shoulder roll. 老:转动是由于肩的转动使然.