- synchronizing slave unit 同步从动装置
- The slave unit is located at the ground stations. 附属装置安装在地面台。
- On slave unit,compiling language and the blocking method is used to control the sampling block and serial communication block. 下位机使用汇编语言并以模块化编程思想实现了对采集模块和串行通讯模块的控制。
- Take wireless communication mode for the example,System consists of five parts:computer, mater unit ,slave unit,GPRS DTU and vibrating wire sensor. 以无线方式为例,系统由计算机、主机、分机、GPRS无线数传模块、振弦式传感器组成。
- The slaves united to resist the owners' abuse. 奴隶们团结起来反抗奴隶主的虐待。
- In a distributed control system (DCS), a PC is often used as a master unit, manipulating several Single?chip Microcomputers (slave units), and so a DCS with powerful caculation capability is formed. 在分布式控制系统中,采用PC机作为上位机,调度多台下位机,从而实现计算能力强,容量大的分布式控制系统。
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。
- He treats his wife like a slave. 他把妻子当作奴隶看待。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman. 这个奴隶梦想着成为一个自由人。
- Do business, but is not a slave to it. 宁做事之主,不为事之奴。
- It is silly to be a slave to social conventions. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。
- Let all our fellow-countrymen who refuse to become slaves unite closely on the basis of Kuomintang-Communist unity! 全国一切不愿当亡国奴的同胞在国共两党团结的基础之上亲密地团结起来啊!
- The slave was leathered black and blue. 那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。
- The boy was caught and sold to be a galley slave. 这个男孩被抓住,并被卖到战舰上做奴隶。
- The family is the smallest social unit. 家庭是社会最小的单位。
- Pressure is force per unit area. 压力就是电单位面积上的力。
- A set of data elements which are handled as a unit. 作为一个单元来处理的一组数据元素。
- Born as a free person, not as a slave or serf. 生来自由的天生是自由人,而不是奴隶或家奴的
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。