- Gets or sets the group of images to use for the. 控件的图像组。
- synchronizing of images 图像同步
- The private assortment of images, fears, loves, regrets. 个体对图像,恐惧,爱情和悔恨的区分。
- Synchronization of two servers has just completed. 两个服务器的同步刚刚完成。
- Synchronization of two servers has started. 两个服务器的同步已开始。
- An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. 一盎司的形象胜过一磅重的表现。
- The research of image semantics is a new field. 图像语义是研究图像模式识别与图像检索的一个新理论。
- Quantizer of Image Vector Based on F. 基于分形的图像矢量量化器。
- Notice the extra white space at the left of image. 注意图片左侧多余的白色空余部分。
- A list of image types that the device supports. 设备支持的图像类型列表。
- Color fringes appear that tend to blur the outlines of images. 颜色条纹会使映像的轮廓模糊不清。
- The wave involves the synchronization of stellar orbits. 密度波牵涉到恒星轨道的同步化。
- The word feminism conjures up a variety of images for people. 提起“争取女权运动”这个字眼,每个人都会产生不同的想法。
- The synchronization of their watches was an important preliminary. 他们的同步观看是一个重要的预备步骤。
- synchronizing of image 图象同步
- Collected here are a handful of images from the 2009 race. 这里收集的是一小撮图像从2009年的比赛。
- Harmonious beauty is of image and charm and definiteness of life. 和谐美是形象的、有魅力的、具有生活的肯定性的。
- An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film. 切换图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换
- The movie displayed a perfect fusion of image and sound. 这部电影展示了音响与影像的完美结合。
- Fundamentals of Image Coding and Wavelet Compressing II. 图像编码基础和小波压缩技术2。