- A Practical Approach to Symmetric Reinforcement Computing of Small Ecentric Compressive Members 小偏心受压构件对称配筋设计计算的实用方法
- Section Design of Symmetric Reinforcement for Compression RC Members with Small Eccentricity 钢筋混凝土小偏心受压构件对称配筋截面设计
- Section design of symmetric reinforcement for compression members with small eccentricity 对称配筋小偏心受压构件的截面设计
- Direct calculation of symmetric reinforcement for rectangular cross sectional little eccentric compression member 矩形截面小偏心受压构件对称配筋的直接计算
- The soldiers held the fort desperately till reinforcement arrived. 战士们拼死坚守阵地,直到援军到来。
- symmetric reinforcement 对称配筋
- This roof needs some reinforcement. 这屋顶需要加固。
- The stress components form a symmetric array. 应力分量构成了一个对称的数组。
- The general threw reinforcement into the battle. 将军将增援部队投入这个战役中。
- A real symmetric matrix A can be expressed as ??. 一个实对称矩阵A能被表示为??。
- Use the -s argument to reset the symmetric key. 使用-s参数重置对称密钥。
- Position tow hook on reinforcement. 在加固物上定位拖曳钩。
- The name of a symmetric key in the database. 数据库中对称密钥的名称。
- The designer chooses the layout of reinforcement. 设计者选择钢筋布置。
- What are symmetric and asymmetric ciphers? (什么是对称和非对称密码?)
- Position front bumper reinforcement on vehicle. 将前保险杆加强组件置于车轮。
- The reinforcement was unidirectional. 增强是单方向的。
- Armies fought badly; he sent them reinforcement. 军队打仗失利,他派去援兵。
- One way is through psychological reinforcement. 一个方法是心理强化作用。
- What reinforcement? You guys are the entire force. 什麽援军?你们就是全部的军队啊。