- Multiple Symmetric Positive Solutions to Even Order Three point Boundary value problems 偶数阶三点边值问题的多个对称正解
- Existence of Symmetric Positive Solutions of a Class of Boundary Value Problem for Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations 二阶微分方程边值问题对称正解的存在性
- symmetric positive solutions 对称正解
- Eigenvalues and symmetric positive solutions for a three-point boundary-value problem On the Existence of Positive Solution 一类二阶三点方程组正解的存在性
- symmetric positive solution 对称正解
- Existence of positive solutions of BVP for second order IDE with fixed moments. 二阶脉冲微分方程边值问题。
- Finally, we extend the support theory of symmetric positive definite matrices to general (including indefinite and nonsymmetric) matrices. 最后,我们将适用于对称正定矩阵的支撑理论推广到一般的矩阵(包括不定的和非对称的矩阵)。
- This paper is concerned with the problem of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix pencil under spectral restriction. 本文讨论谱约束下实对称半正定矩阵束的最佳逼近问题,指出一般算法。
- The non-existence of radially non-increasing positive solutions is derived for a system of quasi-linear elliptic differential equations first of all. 摘要首先得到一类拟线性椭圆型方程组正解的先验界估计和衰减性质,从而推出该方程组的径向非增正对称解的不存在性结果。
- The Positive Solution For All Your Flow Control Applications. 适用于所有流量控制领域的正确地解决方案。
- We are thus seeking the positive solution of the equation. 因而我们求方程的正根。
- We first get the nonexistence result for a related elliptic systems of nonincreasing positive solutions. 首先得到了它对应的椭圆型方程组非增正解的不存在性。
- Furthermore, if F(x) is B -differentiable at a solution x * of F(x) =0 and BF(x* ) is symmetric nonsingular (BF(x* ) is symmetric positive definite for DFP method), q-superlinear convergence is proven for PSB and DFP methods. 若更进一步假设F(x)在解x~*处是B可微的(即BF(x~*)存在),且BF(x~*)对称非奇异(对DFP方法还需假设BF(x~*)正定),还证明了PSB方法及DFP方法的q~-超线性收敛性。
- The positive solutions of the equations are given by using method of direct structure in the Banach space. 主要从事泛函,微分方程,差分方程、差分方程理论及应用研究。
- In Chapter 2, a sort of parallel multisplitting methods for solving consistent singular symmetric positive semidefinite linear system is presented using analogously diagonally compensated reduction. 在第二章中,利用类似于对角补偿约化的方法[2],我们给出了求解奇异相容对称半正定线性方程组的一类并行多重分裂迭代方法。
- Conclusion Positive solutions exist when the birth-rate of the predator belongs to a range. 结论当捕食者的出生率在某一范围取值时,正平衡解存在。
- An algorithm for solving linear equations, the paper shown strong Stability algorithms on the class of non-singular symmetric matrices and on the class symmetric positive definite matrices. 摘要关于线性方程解的算法方面,本文在对称非奇异矩阵类和对称正定矩阵类上给出了强稳定性算法。
- Support theory is a mathematical framework to analyze extreme eigenvalues and condition numbers of preconditioned systems and is developed with symmetric positive definite (spd) systems at first. 支撑理论是一个用于分析预处理方程组的最大(或最小)特征值和条件数的 代数架构,它最初产生于对称正定的线性方程组。